Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Swipe Right For Sloth!

During the Trump years, I made the following observation:  A Trump supporter could walk into their house, find Trump actively having sex with their spouse, and the first words out of their mouth would be "Damn Democrats!"

I want to update that.  It's clear at this point most Republicans could walk into their house, find a deranged Trump chainsawing their loved ones into cubes, and, after watching in adoration, cheering on the carnage, scream "Damn Democrats! Now why haven't they helped me after the loss of my family!  I'm the REAL victim!!!"

I've come to this determination after I stumbled across this meme floating around Republican circles on social media: 

It's stunning a politician and/or his allies would even attempt this farce. The argument of 'you have to stop all investigations into a CLEARLY GUILTY corrupt jackass, because if you don't they'll come after everyone else' is a laughable, pathetic escape attempt.  Any moron should be able to look at this ad and clearly see all Trump is trying to do is prevent himself from being held accountable for his actions.  

But yet the paranoid Trump fans eagerly gobble up this drivel. 

Piggy backing on my point about Trump fans finding him sleeping with their spouse, there is another ugly truth about Trump fans.  Trump fans know Trump is a horrible person, but because he validates their racism, and/or allows them to blame everyone else for their lifetime of mistakes, they create fantastical, laughable conspiracy theories about the other side to validate their love of Trump.  "Sure Trump is not perfect, but Hillary Clinton drinks blood from babies in the basement of a Maryland Pizza parlor, so I'm on the right side of this fight!"

THAT ARGUMENT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!  And it still happens today.

Like all things with the Republicans, when they have success with something, they replicate it.  This deflection technique is now not just for the extreme, far right loon balls in QAnon, but is now a mainstream argument, basically saying "Don't believe what your eyes are seeing, and your ears are hearing.  HERE is what you should believe!"  And this year it's becoming the rallying cry of the Republican politicians.  

Already I've seen at least 20 Republicans who openly railed against vaccines, calling them "dangerous" and something people should avoid, NOW insist they never once bad mouthed vaccines, only said individuals should have the choice of getting vaccinated.  They're now even freely admitting they got vaccinated early on in the process as they were spewing anti-vaxx propaganda, stating, "If I was against the vaccine, why did I get vaccinated right away (something I've intensely kept secret)."

There have already been a few dozen Republicans who PROUDLY voted against the Infrastructure and earmark bills, meaning they were against those bills passing, claiming credit for the elements of those bills which help their district. The argument they put forward is something to the effect of "I was proudly against the bill, but I did convince Biden and the Democrats to put this spending in the bill I VOTED AGAINST, so I deserve credit for it."  It Minnesota, the inclusion of those projects was not due to any Republicans, but rather the two Democratic US Senators.

And with Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson getting peppered in the US Senate, Republicans are not only smearing her with racist statements, argument and tropes, which they try to reframe by intensely screaming "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME RACIST (for the clearly racist things I said)," but they're also floating the evil villain story they've been floating the last few years: "Sure we're horrible at leading this country, but the other side of the aisle are all child molesters, or openly supporting child molesters, so my racism, bigotry, hate, pandering to the wealthy, corporations over citizens stances, and forcing of Christianity on all people is noble and justified!"

By the way, they scream the "all Democrats are child molesters" lie as it seems the VAST majority of people arrested for child sex crimes in this country seem to be staunch Republicans. This would be what a psychologist would call 'classic projection.'  It's like when the most anti-gay politicians come out as gay, or Putin claiming he's attacking Ukraine because "they're the real Nazis."

The worst part of all of this is a weakened news media which refuses to do their job.  In the last three weeks, I've seen the news media run pro-Republican political stories obnoxiously full of lies(!), lies which are laughably easy to fact check.  Instead of simply holding the Republicans up to their own record, they instead either fail to bring up the truth surrounding the 'new found' Republican stances, or they outright publish Republican campaign talking points as 'news' but really are designed to erase the truth.  It's one or the other.

This is what we are up against this election cycle, easily fact checked lies being presented by Republicans and the news media as "truth."  It'd be like if Sloth, from the movie the Goonies (the less nauseating photo above) got on an online dating site. Knowing he has a few things going against him, to make himself more palatable, the argument he makes is "Don't let your eyes fool you!  Everyone else on this dating site is a Nazi, Fascist, Communist, Vampire, child molester who wants to force you to have an abortion, wants to abort already born children, wants to force your kids to beg for forgiveness for being white, wants to make every woman athlete in Division I sports transgender, wants to make Christianity illegal, wants to kill grandma, take your house, kill your dog and take all your money!"  Meanwhile the supposedly independent watchdog tasked with shining a light on the truth gives a big thumbs up to Sloth's claims, calling it "a bold new strategy geared to finding that special loved one!"

Swipe right for Sloth.

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