Friday, May 17, 2024

The Friday Link for 5/17/24

This week Stephen Colbert invited Steve Carell onto The Late Show and they revisited one of the best bits to ever come out of The Daily Show, Even Stevphen.  This was a take off of the 'Crossfire' style of news show of the late 90s early 2000s.  The real news shows were so contrived.  They'd randomly pick an issue, one guy would be for it the other guy against it and they'd squabble pettily over who was right or wrong.  It was PERFECT for The Daily show to parody.

First up is the Even Stevphen version from this week, a fight over aging. 

Also here are three of the classic episodes from over 20 years ago. TWENTY FREAKING YEARS!

Finally tonight a great video from Pete Buttigieg.  "If all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a culture war."  He absolutely tags why MAGA politicians are failing people, not offering any solutions, and only bullying others to cover up for their unwillingness to do ANYTHING.  I know it's political, but it is so spot on.

Have a great weekend everyone.  Stay safe and make sure you keep up to date with your vaccinations! 

Friday, May 10, 2024

The Friday Link for 5/10/24

Howdy all.

I don't have delusions of grandeur. I know Elon Musk could care less about what I have to think, or maybe he does.  The dude literally threw billions of dollars into Twitter to stop people from mocking him, only to see it tumble in value because he doesn't know what the heck he's doing!  But smart business choices are not his forte. This is also a guy who runs an electric motor company and decided to tell his likely consumer base (liberals) that they're all political hacks.  That's like opening a meat-free alternative burger joint and then bad-mouthing all vegans. 

The Cybertruck is the latest stupid thing this guy has done.  Forget the "truck" looks like a set piece from a 1980s sci-fi TV show, the vehicle is bad! It seems to have an insane amount of design flaws and doesn't really operate well as an urban vehicle, let alone as a truck.  The video of the thing getting stuck in 4 inches of snow does not bode well for the off-road durability.

This week, let's get some evaluations on the Cybertruck.  First up is Vehicle Virgins with a review which seems to want to be nice to Elon, but in the end exposes a lot of the faults of the vehicle. Who the hell would even think a rearview mirror where you can't see anything behind you was a good idea. 

The next takedown of the Cybertruck is a far more practical one. In this video, the channel Electric goes through point by point why the Cybertruck was messed up with its design, rollout, pricing, durability, and...practicality. 

Finally tonight, Lewis Black from The Daily Show will have the final say on the Cybertruck. Who would be so stupid to put their finger in the closing trunk AFTER it had already broken a stick? Musk fans are WEIRD! 

(Warning ***Adult language!***) 

Drive safe everyone!

And make sure to get your vaccinations up to date! I want you to be safe! 

Friday, May 3, 2024

The Friday Link for 5/3/24

I never thought I'd ever say this, but the Friday Link this week features a...MIME! 

For some reason the YouTube algorithm gods put Tom the Sea World Mime into my suggested viewing window and I've been addicted. He is a really good mime, a profession you don't see portrayed in a positive light too often.  Most references to them today are in a fairly negative light, so when I saw one come into my suggested videos, I had to watch.

This guy is good. Seriously, he is one of the best at this art form I've ever seen.  And he makes me laugh. 

Maybe that's why I am featuring four of his videos this week.  I think we all need a good laugh.

Enjoy the mime.

I'll say no more.

Have a great weekend. Make sure to stay up to date on all your vaccinations, including your COVID ones.