Friday, July 26, 2024

The Firday Link for 7/26/24

 Hi everyone!

As everyone knows, I love Doctor Who, the British TV show where a time lord called The Doctor travels through space and time to stop bad guys and correct wrongs.  Sure they head out into the reaches of space but the Doctor spends a lot of time at various points of world history, primarily English history.  It's a fun watch, no matter what version of The Doctor you watch (did I mention the character can regenerate into a new character?).

But how safe would it actually be to go back to the Middle Ages?  In reality, you'd probably have A LOT of problems.  These are numerous so let me pass you off to a guy I have featured before on this channel, the Premodernist.  This guy is an incredibly smart historian who knows his stuff.

This is a long video, but it is thorough. Apparently, many things could go wrong and likely would go wrong for you, as a modern person visiting the Middle Ages. 

Since I am being a bit on the academic side this week, I will also share a video from PBS Terra, where new technology allows us to view the ancient path of the earth.  And some of the images are gorgeous.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Stay safe and get vaccinated!  Wear a mask in large groups! 

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Friday Link for 7/19/24

Hi everyone! This week's Friday Link is all about food!

I'm a big foodie.  My mother is a sensational cook and she taught me so much growing up.  I cook most of my family's food, I love cooking videos, I LOVE historic cooking videos, and my secret dream vacation is a street food tour of South Korea.  

In any given week I will watch 5 to 15 cooking videos, from many of the channels I have featured here.  Some of the end results look good.  Sometimes it looks okay.  Occasionally (especially on certain historic cooking videos) it looks horrific. But occasionally, I will stumble upon one that looks so good I'm going to have to make it myself as soon as I can.

This week, I had three of them

If you are not the cooking type, that's fine.  Watch these as good old fashion food porn, but if you like to cook and have most of these ingredients on hand, give them a shot.

Number one this week is a gem from Tasting History with Max Miller.  I've enjoyed many of his fun videos, but this one has me scrambling to the store for strawberries.  I never knew strawberries were so popular for so many years. Max does a great little history lesson on the strawberry, but the superstar of this video is the recipe. It's a strawberry tart, looks relatively simple, has bread crumbs in it (???), and judging by Miller's reaction (he whips out a "Y'all!"), it looks like it tastes AMAZING! My guess is it'd be perfect with vanilla ice cream. 

Next up is the always wonderful Ina Garten, with a recipe that I can swear I ate once out in Crete. Pastitsio is basically a Greek version of lasagna, but it is made better with the addition of bechamel sauce.  Now this recipe is a little more labor intensive, maybe not the one you want to do as a rookie cook.  That said, you're never going to become good unless you try it.  From what I remember from 33 years ago (!) it was delicious! Good luck! 

And finally tonight the second video I've featured from Sam the Cooking Guy out of San Diego.  This is Chicken Christopher.  Now two points.  Sam is making some of the techniques look really easy.  Be advised some skills are being displayed here. Also, I am not a big fan of timed cooks, especially when there has already been some prep work done. That's not the real world. Sam is doing a restaurant quality version of this, which includes speed.

My suggestion is to watch Sam do the 15-minute version and aim for your version to be 25 to 30 minutes, not bad considering how delicious that chicken looks when he is done.

Bon Appétit! 

Please make sure to keep up to date on your vaccinations and please be careful in large crowds! 

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Firday Link for 7/12/24

Hi all, I hope you have a great weekend.  Let's focus this week on Summer movies.  

The Natural is the greatest baseball movie ever made, a top 3 all-time sports movie, and an undeniable summer blockbuster.  Released in May of 1984, it went on to become the 14th biggest movie of the year. If at this point you haven't seen it, go see it.  Even the non-baseball, non-sports fan can appreciate this film.  My daughters have both mentioned how dreamy Robert Redford was back then, Glen Close was damn near perfect as the All-American gal, and Wilford Brimley is fantastic as the coach.

When it's on, I can't stop watching it. I think it's one of those movies you end up appreciating more as you get older, being able to relate to the person finally getting their shot and making the most of it. 

Here are a bunch of clips from that movie. 

I'm also going to post a scene from what I think is the best movie of the year so far, Furiosa. I know it underperformed at the box office, but that's a crime. This take on the background story of the character Furiosa from Mad Max: Fury Road (itself one of the best movies ever made) was deep, complex, suspenseful, and a riot. Here we see Chris Mensworth's shockingly good Dementus go meet the bad guys from Fury Road. 

Last tonight is the new trailer for what WILL NOT be a summer movie, but a movie I can't wait to see, Captain America: Brave New World.  Red Hulk finally shows up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! 

Have a great weekend everyone! Make sure to stay up to date on your vaccinations! 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Eliminating the Middle Man

I returned from my annual vacation at the lake up north two weeks ago.  After unpacking and getting back into the routine I decided I needed to catch up on some of the television I had missed.  One of my regular watches is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and I had two episodes to binge.

The first episode was a stark eye-opening expose on Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation's manifesto for changing the US government substantially while nearly ensuring Republicans never step down from power ever again.  The second episode was a preview of what happened in England on the 4th of July.  The Conservatives/Tories, the right-leaning mainstream party in England (at that point), was on the verge of a historic drubbing, a massive loss at the polls. This was due to the public completely losing faith in them for changing the country dramatically for the worse.

The episode for Project 2025 was terrifying.  Project 2025 is a culmination of various extremist policies from the far-right Heritage Foundation mashed into a tyrannical manifesto, something many in Trump's circle have said will be initiated on Day 1 of his next term.  It's part Christian Nationalist takeover (no abortion nationwide, no contraception, removal of LGBTQIA+ rights, forced Christian education, killing no-fault divorce, installing a Christiananity über alles society), part MAGA buzzword policy (Getting rid of all DEI programs, eleimating African American and Gender studies at all level of education, no teaching of slavery in America, nationwide book banning), an extreme far right policy wish list (eliminate all unions and worker's rights, elimination of all climate change policies, immediate opening of all America to fossil fuel drilling, ending public education in America, no taxes on the wealthy, while massive tax increases on the middle and lower class, raising retirement age, killing Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, the EPA, FDA, the NOAA, and more), and totalitarian regime installation (streamline death penalites, banning Muslims from even entering the US, ordering troops into American communities as an extreme police force, getting rid of the FBI, concentration camps to deport millions of people including established American citizens). As bad as all that sounds, it's not even scratching the surface.  You need to read up on it.  It is terrifying.  Google 'Project 2025' and then realize the extent of Trump's authoritarian power takeover and destruction of the American economy. (Read: and,the%20poor%20and%20middle%20class.)

The episode on the foreseen upheaval of the Tories was just as interesting.  After 14 years of Trump/GOP/MAGA-like promises, the floor had finally fallen out underneath Britain.  The Conservatives did two things that eventually doomed them.  The first was Brexit, the UK leaving the European Union with promises that everything would be the same as it was before but better.  I'm not sure if the Conservatives really were stupid enough to think the EU would give England the same rights as a member, or if they thought they could strong-arm the EU, but neither happened.  Britain's economy is in shambles as they are losing 100 BILLION pounds a year to lost business.  As bad as the fallout is from that, the austerity measures the Tories put into place are actually much worse.  They have taken a country with a fairly reliable social safety net system and what used to be one of the better government-run medical systems in the world and gutted them, leaving the citizens of Britain in a bleak crisis. The benefactor of all of these cuts has been England's super-rich, who have seen their wealth skyrocket, while the average Brit is making 10,000 pounds per year less than when the Conservatives took over.  The ensuing beatdown at the polls on July 4th was pretty astounding, their worst loss of all time, going from 371 seats to a paltry 121.

It was very interesting to see these two episodes back to back. On one side you saw the outrageous conservative policies the US Right is bragging about installing.  On the other side were the eventual consequences of those Far Right policies, exposed for the lies and fraud that they always were, leading to a public rejection of them, on par with the turnover from Republicans to Democrats in 1930 and 1932. 

It made me ask this question:  Can we just eliminate the middle man and prevent from the US collapsing, preventing us from having to get to the point of the Right's willfully belligerent Republican voters come to the realization the people they were voting for were never on their side? 

The problem is making the standard Trump voter understand they are being lied to openly.  Let's take one of the issues from Project 2025/the Trump campaign: the elimination of public schools as we know it. 

The Republican voter applauds this because of a very simple delusion; "Clearly the Trump Republicans are not going to take away MY kid's public school."  Republican voters, when they hear a Republican politician say we'll eliminate public education hear "We're going to shut down those inner city schools where the minority kids waste my taxpayer dollars, but not my kids nearly all white wholesome rural school." No doubt the Republicans are going to shut the metro schools down (maybe not the wealthier suburban high schools which are quite popular, the schools where the majority of the GOP donations come from), but all the rural schools will be on the chopping block too. When the reality starts to hit, Republicans will tell their voters "Well we can't shut down the minority schools without shutting down your school.  Even though it's not ideal, we think it's the best option." This is a variation on the already blue-collar Republican voter accepted "Well your taxes have to go up but the wealthy people get a tax cut because they're the 'job creators.'" 

Let's just eliminate the middleman, preventing the suffering that will ensue when these outrageous Project 2025 policies destroy us.  Not only do I not want people to suffer needlessly, while all their money is filtered up to the handful of wealthy Republican kingmakers, but look at the Project 2025 agenda.  This will hurt and kill a lot of people!  There is a real question of whether America will ever get another chance to pick the people who represent them.  But that's kind of the whole point of Project 2025.  After 30 years of Jimmy-rigging the system to allow the minority Republicans to maintain power, they're still losing base and can't win even with the unfair advantages they've given themselves.  This whole Project 2025/Trump agenda is about seizing power and never relinquishing it. 

We can avoid all of that by making sure Trump loses in November.  It's the only way we can save America.

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Firday Link for 7/5/24

Hi all! I hope you all had a nice Independence Day holiday.

I usually don't start off with music videos but I'm going to make an exception this week.  Two reasons:

1) The main video tonight has A LOT of naughty language but it's an all-time iconic moment in stand-up comedy.  I wanted to do a palate cleanser before I post that, and if you don't want the naughtiness, then enjoy the first video and move on.

2) This song is the weirdest mash-up I've seen in a while - Heavy Metal, industrial techno, and Japanese girl band. It works.  This song has been running through my head for a week now and I still like it.  

To begin this week, Babymetal and Electric Callboy with Ratatata! 


Now adult content from here on out.

So there was a comedy show in Philadelphia where Bill Burr took the stage.  After one or two jokes, the Philly fans (which are notoriously some of the most obnoxious fans anywhere) started booing.  What happens next is legendary comedy.  Bill Burr turns on the audience. He melts down and starts roasting the hell out of them. It takes a few minutes but he really gets going towards the end.

I'm not sure how much of this was ad-libbed versus jokes he knew but wasn't necessarily planning on using this show, but some of the smackdowns he delivered are instant classics.  As you listen to this, notice how he's so good that the crowd starts cheering for him in the end.  It's literally the Blues Brother's movie, where the final concert is in front of a hostile crowd but Jake and Elwood win them over.

Once again, the language in this video is REALLY ROUGH! Viewers be warned!  Because of that, you have to watch this on YouTube.  Follow the link below.

He actually counts down how many minutes he has left in the beatdown he delivers in Philly. The lines about Rocky...

The video starts with a still image but around 2 and a half minutes in it becomes the video from the actual rant.

That routine has become a legendary all-time classic. So many comedians are in awe of it.  

Bill Burr actually talks at length about what happened there, and his self-reflection is amazing to listen to.  He talks about the crowd wasn't horrible to all the acts, and that the show itself was a bad idea. It's also amazing to hear him show real concern about becoming a one-trick comic, the guy that sits and riffs on the city he is in.  He didn't become that (thank God!), but I could see how the demand for him to do that in every town could jeopardize the career he wanted.  

Speaking of the Blues Brothers here is that all-time classic scene from the movie.

Have a great weekend.

Make sure you stay up to date on your vaccinations.