Friday, January 5, 2024

The Friday Link for 1/5/24

Happy New Year to everyone! Let's hope it's a good one.

This week I am going to post the complete series 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy,' all 7 hours and 16 minutes of it!  This originally was a much smaller documentary, about 2 hours, produced by ITV in England.  The documentary was a deep dive into the allegations that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone in killing John F. Kennedy.  

Let me start with what the documentary got wrong. The documentary's original allegations were three men were guilty of the assassination and named all three men specifically.  Then one of the men threatened to sue. Upon further review, the men all had pretty good alibis that they were not in Dallas in November of 1963.  Nigel Turner who put this documentary together admitted he didn't interview at least one of the men, failing to do even a basic fact check on some elements of the documentary. 

Also, the documentary kept getting added to. The original documentary came out in 1988, and then in 1991, it was re-edited and more footage was added.  In 1995, another episode was added, and then in 2003, they added three whole new episodes, bringing the total to 7. The later episodes were criticized for their implication LBJ himself was somehow involved in the assassination.  Today, the complete episode list is cataloged at 9.  I have no idea. 

Here's what sent a chill through me in this documentary.  Two known facts about the assassination point to Oswald not being the lone shooter.  First is the President's head moving back into the shot from the book depository behind him.  That is absolute garbage.  The physics of force don't work that way.  If he was shot from behind, his head would have flown forward. The second is the magic bullet.  Bullets don't do what the Warren Commission claimed the magic bullet did.  When you present these two facts, skeptics will say "If Oswald didn't work alone, then where is the evidence of someone else shooting?" 

A lot of people reported gunshots from the grassy knoll, but a lot of the film taken towards the grassy knoll was confiscated by the government and never seen again. There was one picture that clearly shows the grassy knoll and in the 2nd episode, they have a photo expert analyze the image.  What they discover would stop anyone in their tracks. Watch the 2nd episode 'The Forces of Darkness' from 51 minutes in.

The documentary might have laid the blame at the wrong feet, but someone else CLEARLY was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  That's a conspiracy.

Please get vaccinated immediately, especially for COVID and the flu.  

Have a great weekend!

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