Friday, July 3, 2020

The Friday Link for 7/3/20

Happy 4th of July Independence Day everyone! My regular Wednesday radio guest Jeff Stein and my former morning show partner when I was in Ames Iowa at KCCQ Trent Rice always remind me that it is not the 4th of July, but Independence Day, and that you should refer to it as such.  Iowans...but they do make a good point.

To educate yourself on the true history of Independence Day, Crash Course tells us why we probably should be celebrating Independence...on July 2nd.  John Green explains.

This year, let's also go back 28 years ago, to July 4th Independence Day 1992, and the original airing of Mystery Science Theater 3000's take on 'Being from Another Planet.'  It's bad, like the Trump Presidency!

By the way, I would pay BIG bucks for the MST3K guys to follow Trump around and do a running commentary on him.  

Finally, with no fireworks for most of us due to CoronaVirus, let's look at some pretty ones.  This is from Walt Disney World in Orlando in 2018.  They're quite good.

Happy Independence Day weekend everyone!

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