Tuesday, February 4, 2020

20 Hours with Bernie Fans

Yesterday on my radio show, I said there are policies I like from Democratic Candidate for President, Senator Bernie Sanders.  I also said the moderate Democrats should calm down about his policies because he truly is a modern version of FDR, one of the most beloved Presidents in history (people like social-focused policies.  Who knew!).  I added emphatically I will gladly vote for Bernie if he is the nominee.

I also mentioned his supporters need to calm down a smidge because they're a little intense.

Guess which comment Bernie fans seem to have focused on?

Here is the last 20 hours of 'feedback' I've gotten from SOME (highlighting some, not all.  Some) Bernie supporters:

  • You've always hated Bernie, Matt!  You've always fought against him!  You've always dismissed him! He's the future of the party and you keep getting in the way.  He beat Hillary in 2016 and I watched in horror as the Democrats ripped away his crown and handed it to the undeserving Hillary Clinton (who has to get over it by the way).  If Bernie was the nominee in 2016, he would have swept every state and things would be so much better now.  But you Matt, YOU helped install Hillary as the worst candidate in the history of politics (Once again, why can't she put 2016 behind her.  It's kind of pathetic how she wallows in the past). Bernie was ROBBED in 2016 and Hillary and her followers, LIKE YOU MATT, are up to it again.  All you do Matt is dismiss and demean Bernie, and all we do is welcome and offer the Democrats the most unifying candidate of all time, not like that incompetent loser Biden, or the fake copycat Warren, or the Republican in disguise Klobuchar, or that pathetic mayor Buttigieg, or the joke Yang, or the oligarch Bloomberg.  WE'RE THE WELCOMING CANDIDATE YOU PATHETIC JERKS!  WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCH A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING THAT, MORONS?  And her we go again!  Look at Iowa.  OF COURSE this is the beginning of the Democrats stealing away Bernie's rightful crown, AGAIN!  The only reason they're really having 'problems' with the Iowa Caucus is they're trying to find a way to shift everything to Biden.  THE FIX IS IN!  And isn't in convenient the Democrats impeached Trump so that the Senate HAD TO hold the trial while Bernie should've been campaigning in Iowa.  That was the whole point.  They should've never tried to hold Trump accountable, but instead they came up with this plot to deny Bernie the nomination but forcing him to stay in DC.  HOW DARE THEY!  And as far as if Bernie doesn't win, FINE! I will swallow my pride and vote for the eventual loser nominee, but let's be honest, they wouldn't really be that much better than another four years of Trump!"

Sweet Lord...maybe I was wrong about them needed to come down just a smidge...

For the record, this was not all Bernie supporters, only 23 of them.  This also was not from Bernie directly so this doesn't change anything about my initial comments about Bernie.

I rarely get this from ANY other candidate.  It's not all Bernie supporters, but there is a far larger percentage of loud, in your face Bernie supporters than any other candidate.  And here is the funny part.  Me just summarizing the comments I've taken in the last 20 hours will be viewed as another insult.  "How dare you not take our bullhorn like bellowing insulting bravado as an olive branch, MATT!  How dare you throw down the gauntlet AGAIN!!!"

Bernie fan, I will vote for Bernie if he is the nominee.  That's not even a question.  To not vote for the Democratic nominee would be endorsing concentration camps for children on our border.  But you have to learn you win more people over with honey instead of vinegar.  Right now, as I mentioned yesterday on the show, a lot of Bernie supporters are the guy at the party who insults, mocks and blows off anyone who comes near them, and then wonders why, at the end of the night, no one want to talk with him.

And not everyone is as steadfast on the eventual nominee as I am.  Trump is already lying the groundwork for the campaign against Bernie; 'He's a communist.'  Bernie isn't, nor is he really a socialist, but that doesn't matter.  It will be the campaign against him.  Instead of fantasizing about one or two of his ideas, prepare to work.  If he is the nominee, you need to counterpoint the "he's a communist" schlock from the GOP.

If Bernie is the nominee, you can't make the same mistakes of past nominees.  Know foreign countries/social media will be working against Bernie, as well as the money advantage against him will be massive.  In the end, the only chance Trump has at re-election is to convince moderate Democrats to stay home.  Now ask yourselves if spending the next four months calling them, the moderate Democrats, idiots is really the best idea.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt. I am sorry for the crap you are experiencing from the "Bernie Bros", and the Bernie supporters should try to do a better job of policing their own. I also initially believed that most of the toxicity was coming from the Bernie side (i.e. "Bernie Bros"). But the ugliness is definitely not one-way. Visit Democratic Underground. It's been pretty much a 24-7 troll fest on Bernie and his supporters for the past three weeks. I would say that I am someone on the Bernie-Warren wing, but I am currently planning the vote for Buttigieg or Warren. While I generally agree with Bernie and Warren on the problems and I like their sincerity, I don't always agree with their solutions. I was leaning toward Biden, but Biden's supporters at DU have been so nasty to Bernie and his supporters that I have been really turned off of Biden (and Bloomberg) by the attitudes of their supporters. Its really hard when people that are supposed to be on our side treat you like dirt because you defend a particular candidate whose supporters you identify with. I think most of the Bernie people have pretty much quit that site, and I think after today I am going to too because I found myself questioning whether I would vote for Biden if he is the eventual nominee. This November, we need the 20-30% of Democratic voters in the Bernie/Warren wing, and needlessly antagonizing them seems like really bad politics (& same goes for the Bernie Bros). Do Biden supporters understand that most of these people are down-ballot Democratic voters? Could the same be said about a Bloomberg supporter or Never Trumper?

    I also worry about how the current environment affects a young Bernie supporter, or a rural Bernie voter where there are not as many options to talk Democratic politics.

    Thanks for hearing me out. Unfortunately, I only get to listen to your livestream after work, so I can't call in.

    Hoping they give you another hour.


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