Monday, February 10, 2025

The Worst Thing Trump Did on 2/9/25

It'd be easy to say Trump implying the Super Bowl crowd showing up for him and a football game broke out is Sunday's winner, but something FAR MORE evil presented itself yesterday.

The United States was founded with three separate but equal co-branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. It's clear the Republicans who control Congress are just lap dogs to Trump's agenda, so the hope to keep Trump in check falls to the Judicial Branch. The Supreme Court clearly has a pro-Trump vibe but has proven to be unreliable on all far-right agenda items. 

Since Trump took office, judges have weighed in on his attempt to rewrite the Constitution through executive order, stopped Trump's purges of government employees without cause, and told Elon Musk, an unelected plutocrat, to keep his private company's' mitts off of sensitive Treasury Department information. They have told Trump and his Administration to stop until the Judicial Branch can review what they are doing and determine whether what they are doing is legal. The Supreme Court MIGHT rule it is legal, but it should still go through the judicial review process. 

Republicans have already undone most of the checks and balances that exist to protect this country from fascism. As I mentioned, they have gerrymandered and purged voters to maintain Congress, and the 4th Estate, the news media, has become 90% obedient lap dogs to the Trump agenda. The Courts are pretty much the last chance to prevent this country from becoming an evil dictatorship.

Yesterday, JD Vance, Congressman Jim Jordan, Elon Musk, and others presented the MAGA GOP's next step in trying to solidify their ultimate power and have started insisting the courts no longer have a co-equal position in government and hence no longer have authority to stop ANYTHING the President wants to do. 

This is REALLY bad.

Let's point out the stunning hypocrisy. Imagine if Biden had suggested a court ruling against him was invalid.  Every single MAGA Republican and most Democrats would be furious. Republicans would call up militias to help them storm the White House!!!  Now it's just policy...until (IF) a Democrat takes control again, then all a sudden, the judicial branch will be absolute again!

As Trump is actively violating America and Democracy, Vance, Musk, Jordan, and the MAGA GOP are holding America down and trying to cover its mouth. 

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