Friday, August 1, 2014

Boom Goes the Dino-Right

I had a friend ask me, knowing what I do, why is the right so angry now.  Simply, I think they realized how close they came to actually achieving what they really wanted.  They wanted to turn back the clock, get rid of the Civil Rights Act, get rid of the social safety net programs begun under FDR, get rid of the unions, get rid of any workers rights, and get rid of basic foundations of our society, such as hospitals, safe streets, fire departments and education for all.  Frankly, they wanted to take us back to the 1840's.

They lost their way and became conflicted.  As much as these people say they hate big government, the truth is they LOVE big government.  What they really mean is they love government when its for them or their families, just not for anyone else.  The want to be Galt, but in a display of brilliant irony, they've become too greedy.

The right got close. They really did.  They look back at the control they had, especially from 2002 to 2006, and they could actually taste it.  The mistake they made was thinking they could actually get away with it.  When they realized it wasn't going to happen, their attacks became bitter and angry, vilifying anything they disagreed with, in a sick attempt to try to make these unpopular political ideas popular.  It's kind of like the ex-boyfriend who becomes a stalker; if he can't find a way for her to like him when he's being nice, he'll take a darker path because he knows what's best for her!

Want proof?  Moochers, losers, takers, slackers, illegals, free-loaders.  These are the pleasant words they use to describe the users of health care, social security, welfare, people wanting minimum wage increases, and people upset about the government obscenely favoring the wealthy.  They use these words thinking it makes their political opinion more appealing.  The real story is the far right is furious their point of view isn't taken as unchecked truth anymore.

They save the real nasty words for the things they truly despise but know they have lost the fight on;  Obama, gay marriage, equality.

The right is having a temper tantrum.  The moderates left the dance floor years ago when they realized who their dance partner was becoming.  Now the extremists are beginning to realize they have lost the public trust.  They're quitting, storming off the ballroom floor unable to understand why no one wants to dance with them anymore.

Two final thoughts.  Galt was a myth, a fairy tale which could never exist, not in the capacity the neuvo-libertarians think it could.  You might as well base your economic and political ideologies on a Hobbit, Harry Potter or the Lorax.

Go ahead and quit.  No seriously go.  We won't be sorry you left, as you were part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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