Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Winning the Unwinable Game

Has this ever happened to you?

You know a Republican. They insists they vote GOP because they feel it's the party of decency and high moral fiber.  You immediately point out some Republican saying something incredibly indecent and lacking any moral fiber whatsoever, something you can find A LOT of examples of today, and ask your Republican friend "if you're so decent and high moral fiber, how come you aren't condemning that?" Their response is to not answer why they haven't condemned the easily condemnable, but to point out some Democrat saying something bad, demanding YOU have to apologize first.

Welcome to Republican Deflection 101!

THIS is how Republicans who claim to be Jesus incarnate on earth can still justify supporting politicians like Trump, Steve King and other incredibly LOW moral fiber humans.  They've created this 'out' which prevents them from ever having to acknowledge the true ugliness of the Republican Party.  "When EVERY Democrat in the country apologizes in writing, in triplicate, for this anonymous poster from an online website, who said this horrible thing, then, AND ONLY THEN, will I even begin to look at the behavior of my own party!"

They create an unattainable standard to prevent themselves from ever focusing on the cesspool the Republican Party has become.  Even if you were able to get every Democrat to apologize, in writing, in triplicate, for the comments of one guy online, instead of surveying the GOP, they'd focus on another anonymous 'left' comment, insisting "now all Democrats need to apologize for that one!"

The Republican Party exudes an insane amount of inflammatory and degrading rhetoric aimed at the Democrats, FAR more than the occasional idiot Democrat produces.  This is because they worship one of the biggest suppliers of ugly behavior, Trump.  They constantly mock and insult the left and when someone points out their indecent and non-moral fiber behavior, they'll insist they were only offering a simple critique.  Then, knowing they need to immediately go on the offensive, they'll 'clutch their pearls' about 'this one guy, in this one town, who said that one thing about a Republican.'

This deflection strategy applies to actions as well as words.  When you point out Trump has concentration camps on the border, Republicans first scream "no he doesn't," followed by "but Obama did it FAR worse!" (they don't even notice their contradiction)  When you prove Obama did nothing of the sort, they ignore the proof, and create a faux compromise, demanding "when every Democrat apologizes for Obama's FAR WORSE concentration camps, then, AND ONLY THEN, will I look at what exactly Trump is going."

Republicans love to scream about their righteousness but then insist everyone else has to be righteous before them.  Rightos, your supposed integrity is YOUR standard, not mine, yet you apply it to everyone else, as you insist Democrats never display the high moral fiber you yourself NEVER display. You scream about your righteousness without ever having to show how righteous you are!

It's a great way to never have to admit you're wrong, even when you're astronomically and horrifically wrong.  And Republicans down deep KNOW they're wrong about Trump and most Republican policies.  This is about them hiding in plain sight as opposed to living up to their own demands for civility.

Don't play their game, and here's how.  When they say or do something ghastly, then ask "do you think Jesus would be for concentration camps?"  Why they try to deflect, drive them back and say "we'll get to your other points in a moment, but answer my question.  Would Jesus be for concentration camps?"  Republicans HATE having to validate their actions against a Bible, especially when you quote from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  They might try to push some secondary Bible passage as a defense but most of the time, they'll run away.

If you are not a fan of the Bible, then maybe quote Reagan.  Like I said, they know they are wrong, so when faced with a 'fight or flight' scenario, they run away!  It's delicious!  Try it at home!

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