Thursday, October 1, 2015

Sadly Predictable

It is October 1st, 2015 and today we had another mass shooting in this county.

Within minutes of the shooting, the pro-gun crazies were out in force, without any knowledge of what happened in the shooting, insisting more guns would have saved the day, the school's gun policies were really to blame, how we should force people to carry guns, and how massive government regulations (which do not exist) are the real problem.

The gun nuts then went on the offensive.  They insisted the anti-gun people shouldn't say anything at all, that their 1st Amendment rights need to be rescinded, because they're bias against the purity of guns and bullets.  Or they say, "Thank God a gun and a bullet stopped the shooter!  Don't look at any of the other guns or bullets from the crime scene, just focus on the one which stopped the shooter," like the murders didn't really happen because the shooter was eventually shot himself.  Then there is the False Flag people, who are already insisting this wasn't a shooting in a school, but some sort of covert government incursion into public domain, with the ultimate goal of rounding up all the guns.  This comes from the same people who insisted Jade Helm was about putting Texas under military rule.  How did that go, idiots?

I asked a question a few gun massacres ago (sigh), only a few months ago (sigh), what would it take for the most staunch gun people in the country to finally admit we have a problem.  I came up with a God Awful scenario (WARNING!!! - this imagery should disturb and scare you.  It did me), a massive slaughter of young athletes, 100 or more, at a fund raising event.  As horrible as that sounds, I realize now even that wouldn't be enough for these gun worshipers.  They'd do exactly what they did this time around, insisting the athletes should've been carrying weapons for the entire event, how the family members who died trying to save their loved ones were the real bad guys for not having a gun to stop the shooter, how 8, 7, and 6 year olds should be allowed to carry weapons all the time, how non-existentnt, un-enforced laws were the real culprit, and how video games need to be banned.

Guns don't fire themselves, but they are by far the most lethal method of killing people we have.  The gun culture we have created is one where insanity rules all.  Cars, alcohol, birth control and cough medicine are all regulated far more than guns.  The gun and bullet manufactures have bought off most of our government, laughing in delight and glee when another massacre happens, as they can scare witless morons into buying more weapons.

The gun and bullet makers want a world like the Walking Dead, with everyone walking around, weapon drawn, loaded, a round in the chamber, safety off and finger on the trigger all day long.  And they already are prepared for when that world proves to be a murder spree failure.  They'll argue "You have two hands but only one gun.  The REAL problem here is you need a drawn weapon, loaded, a round in the chamber, safety off and finger on the trigger in EACH hand!"

If there was a political party which had common sense gun control as their main platform, they would win around 40% of the races they would compete for in 2016.  Then, only after it started looking like a common sense gun control party would gain control, would the industry and their bought and paid for politicians scramble to find some consolation, a bone to throw at the common sense gun control people to say, "who ever said we were against gun laws?!?"

Who wants to help me begin the Common Sense Party.  It'll be for education, women's rights, gay rights, fair treatment of all, an immigration plan which welcomes and fulfills without sacrificing American's rights, Veterans rights, environmental rights, transportation upgrades for all forms of transportation, a fair tax code, universal health care, no publicly funded stadiums, and of course, common sense gun control.

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