Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Slack Jawed, Stone Faced Silence

Republicans are funny, but in a scary way.  After 20 years of right wing opinion validation as their only news input, they've lost the ability to debate, interact, defend and counterpoint.  They're so used to having their point of view repeated back to them, they don't know how to process truths which call into question their believed reality.

Some examples:

I have conservative friends who insist the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal is the worst thing ever done by a politician (their words, not mine).  The fact she actually used private e-mail to interact and receive information as Secretary of State is tantamount to treason in their minds, but when you bring up the W. Bush administration's 'lost' 20 million plus e-mails, e-mails from the entire length of his presidency, official e-mails which used private and campaign accounts illegally, e-mails dealing with such topics as 9/11, the Iraq War and it's justifications, his re-election campaign, government contracts, Hurricane Katrina response and the banking crisis, e-mails which should have been archived by law, e-mails which could only have become 'lost' by purposely erasing the e-mails from multiple locations on multiple computers and on multiple servers, e-mails which were 'supposedly' 'found' in 2010, after lawsuits were filed, but with no independent review to validate them, and, conveniently for the Bush administration, the 'found' e-mails can't be seen by the public for decades; when you mention THAT e-mail scandal, you're met with slack jawed, stone faced silence.

I hear cheers from conservatives who applaud the actions of a few religious zealot county clerks in Kentucky, who refuse to issue marriage certificates to gay couples.  They're imposing their religious point of view on the people they're supposed to represent, hand picking what parts of their distorted Bible they follow, trying to hide in plain sight while they practice hatred, bigotry and homophobia on this country's citizens.  At the same time, conservative critics rip apart the Supreme Court calling them activist judges who should be dismissed for legalizing same sex marriage, but when you bring up to the same conservative critics how much they loved the same Supreme Court only a year earlier during the Hobby Lobby case, and when you point out there is absolutely no difference between what these county clerks are trying to do in Kentucky and what the far right in this country is terrified of, mandatory religious law being forced on the populace by individuals with an agenda, only they refer to it as Sharia Law; when you mention THAT counterpoint to their convictions, you're met with slack jawed, stone faced silence.

There's a GOP meme going around about President Obama never mentioning any police officer killed in the line of duty, in the last two years.  They juxtapose his alleged silence with further allegations of him praising the lives of African Americans victims of police violence, lives which the right wing media paint as 'criminals getting what they deserved,' but when you point out this is a made up story, showing them videos of Obama indeed praising police officers lost in the line of duty, and when pointing out he never praised a criminal, unlike the right's praising of Cliven Bundy, a man who IS a criminal, who refused to pay his grazing fees, fines and taxes, who thinks he can make up the rules as he goes, a man who encouraged militias to target Bureau of Land Management officials, government agents akin to law enforcement, with loaded weapons with intent to kill, while they hid behind women and children, when you mention THAT right wing criminal worshipping, with not one condemnation, even after his horrible pro slavery rant, you're met with slack jawed, stone faced silence.

The right lives in a bubble of their own making.  It's gotten worse since the end of the W. administration, when even they couldn't deny the massive failure of his presidency.  They have turned off any dissenting view point which contradicts their side being anything but the wholesome American Christian values side, or paints their opposition as anything other than anti-wealth, anti-famliy, anti-God Anti-Americans.

Here's where it gets scary.  Have you seen the GOP field for President?  There are only two candidates I'd even label as somewhat mentally capable of holding down the office of President (Kasich and Graham [not, in any way, an endorsement of either]), and neither of them have a chance on the Republican side.  The right wing's self validation bubble prevents them from looking at a Cruz, Trump or Carson and saying, "dear Lord, what are we doing?"  Nope, because their perception filters have made them blind, they look at the wart ridden, patchy haired, oozing flesh mass which has pulled itself out of the cesspool of humanity, and see the belle of the ball.

This is how you get vastly unqualified people elected into positions they can't manage.  Look at this Republican mess and realize their voters will ALL show up to vote for which ever Broom Hilda survives the GOP beauty pageant.  The left can laugh and shake their head, but at no point should they take what is going on in the Republican Party lightly.  If the GOP wins in 2016, it will be the Democrats who will be stunned, with slack jawed, stone faced silence.

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