Monday, February 23, 2015

What Would Minnesota Do?

A new report from a Democratic party task force is trying to identify why the Democrats had trouble this last election.  It says the Democrats have become confused and are losing the ability to get their voters to turn up.  That's the kid gloves way of saying it.  Let me rephrase: The problems Democrats are having are 1) they don't run proud Democrats 2) they are easily manipulated by the GOP 3) there's an overwhelming money advantage that convinces people Republican crap sandwiches are actually filet mignon, and 4) the GOP will stop Democrats from voting at all costs.  The real question Democrats need to ask is simple, what would Minnesota do?

Minnesota's election results were so polar opposite of the rest of the country, it's hard to fathom.  While the rest of the country saw a massive GOP wave, Minnesota saw a some minor GOP ripples, surrounded by DFL cannonball splashes.  The only reason the Minnesota House changed hands was because of the intense spending in rural districts, like US House Districts, 1, 7 and 8, where even though they didn't get Republicans elected to the US House, there was an inertia effect on the state level.  But the MN Senate is still in DFL hands and every state race was won by the left.  Let's point out the differences from election 2014 and see if we can help out the national party.

First, you need to run candidates who are proud to be Democrats.  When the train wreck of a Kentucky Senate candidate refused to answer who she voted for in 08 or 12 (hint - you say Obama!), the party should have pulled all spending out of her race.  The Democrats in Minnesota are proud of being Democrats and that's what propelled them to victory.  Being a strong Democrat is what fueled national wins in 2006, 08, and 12, and a lack of strong Democrats are why we lost in 10 and 14.  Remember the 50 state strategy.  Be a proud Dem, because most people support our policies.

Second, too many national Democrats buy the GOP talking point, 'you can't be a proud Democrat and win.'  Like I said, most people support Democratic policies.  Republicans know this and so their goal is to get Democratic candidates to question their own integrity and, in turn, make themselves look weak.  If you are wishy washy, milquetoast, or appear unsure of yourself, you will lose.  Do not give any credence to the GOP talking points of how you should run your campaign.  Don't always be defending yourself, go on the offensive, and make the right defend their horrific policies.

Third, the report sates, "In order to win elections, the Democratic Party must reclaim voters we've lost, including white Southern Voters."  I agree the Dems need to appeal to a wide group, but for God's sake, stop trying to win a voting block which is blindly obedient to the right.  If 40 years of nightmarish GOP leadership is not enough to convince Southern states to make a change, you trying to explain the nuances of the ACA or immigration reform are going to fall on deaf ears.  Win over the voters with a true Progressive platform; healthcare for all, better wages for all, tax breaks for people making less than 200K a year first, better education for all, equal rights for all, worker rights for all, safer communities for all, the American Dream for all.  If you stick with a platform like that, you'll win loyalty in all voting blocks.  And for Goodness sake, start hammering one the GOP's weaknesses, wealth worshipping.  In Southern states, I'd start talking the Christian message of how Jesus would be for taking care of the hungry, sick and homeless.  It's not wrapping the Democratic platform in a religious litmus test, it's pointing out that if you are a Southern Christian, and like to vote your Christian values, then the Democrats are for you.

And finally, the Republicans are for doing everything they can to stop Democrats from voting.  Restricting voter rights, mass media campaigns to discourage voting, scaring voters away from the polls, and misinformation campaigns are amongst the arrows in the GOP quiver.  How do you counterpoint such a massive money and media advantage?  Easy, you go directly to the people.  The GOP has done it for years with anti-abortion, voter ID, anti-gay rights and anti-Sharia law ballot initiatives.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  I would start calling for ballot initiatives which will get the left to the polls.  Things like minimum wage increases, expanded maternity/paternity benefits, equal pay for women for equal work, legalizing marijuana, GMO labeling, green energy initiatives (owned by the state) and higher education tuition assistance are great places to start.  I know not everything will win, or even make it to the ballot, but you start to force the debate into the realm of Democratic strength.

When it comes down to it, we need an electorate which is not so easily swayed to stay at home because of a Bond movie marathon.  Start recruiting the younger voter, with tales of what opportunity used to look like in the USA in the 70's and 80's.  It didn't involve living at home until you were 35.  Get the vote out, get active and do not take any election, or voter, for granted.  In Minnesota, we weren't glum the day after the election; we were proud.  Tried and true, a solid Blue, through and through.

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