Friday, February 27, 2015

The Friday Link for 2/27/15

I have to get this done early tonight as I'm headed to the radio station's Blue State Ball.  I'm looking forward to it.

Leonard Nimoy passed away today.  He is responsible for one of the top five most recognizable television characters of all time; his Mr. Spock from Star Trek is cherished.  He has a cult following today which rivals any science fiction character ever.

One thing great about him was his appreciation for what he had.  He understood he was Spock for hundreds of millions of people and he embraced it, revisiting his character for the Next Generation series as well as for the re-launched Star Trek movie franchise.  I respect the living daylights about that.  If you are known for something, then don't shy away from it or act like it's beneath you.  I can't stand musicians who refuse to play the songs they are most known for (I'm looking at you David Bowie).  The "it's beneath me" mentality is an insult to the fans which made you poplar.

Nimoy, for me, is also known for the precursor of all of the alien/bigfoot/monster hunting shows you see littered across cable TV today.  He began it all with his 'In Search Of' television series from the 1970's.  Watching a segment on fire walking led me to burn the bottoms of my feet very seriously as a kid.

Here are three video clips from his Simpsons episode.  They are quick, but they are funny, and since so many others will be airing Star Trek episodes and movies over the next few days, I'll fall back to the comedy.

See you at the BSB tonight!

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