Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Moment of Truth

The modern Republican politician is against government programs to feed the hungry, give healthcare to the sick, shelter the homeless, show compassion to the needy and welcome in strangers from strange lands.  They're for guns, the death penalty, starting more wars, and even using nuclear weapons "to send a message."

Yet even though they display few examples of being 'guided by Christianity,' they still receive undying support from the Evangelical far right, the self declared super religious extreme, who want to force everyone to be Christian, while proudly supporting some of the most anti-Christian politicians ever.

Why?  Two issues:  Abortion and gay rights.

As far as them hating the GLBTQ community, for them to do so they have to ignore the fact Jesus Christ, the man for whom Christianity was derived from, never once condemned gays.  He didn't.  Paul did, and the Old Testament has some bigotry, but Jesus, the man the religious right claims to be their sole guiding light, never told them to hate.  And lesbians are never condemned in the Bible, Old or New Testament.  Evangelicals hating the GLBTQ community goes against Jesus' recurring messages of love, acceptance and welcoming.  It just does.

But let me focus on abortion for a second.  I made my personally feeling on abortion known in the post Abortion from 2016.  I still feel the same way about it; this is a personal decision.

Evangelicals don't believe abortion should be a personal decision.  This is one issue they feel as if no person should ever be able to make individually.  They feel all abortion is wrong, including (for many) in the cases of rape, incest and the life of the mother.  Republican politicians who would never make abortion completely illegal (they have their mistresses on the side, so they need the option in case there is an 'accident') have convinced the Evangelicals if you keep voting for us, we'll save the babies, unlike the Democrats who want to force abortions on every woman!

Fear works as a motivator.  Take a look at how the NRA and Republicans have convinced the country there can't ever be any laws to regulate guns, because the minute you do, a Central American gang will enter your house, rape your family, kill your kids and steal your stuff.  The abortion fear is leveed via a "if you dare think of voting Democrat, you might as well kill the babies yourselves."  For Evangelicals, the fear of being exposed as supporting what they abhor has real bite.  This has morphed into an Evangelical vile hired of anything political left in America, something which is now starting to come to a breaking point.

The fear of Democrats winning has given the Republican Party absolute power over Evangelicals.  Hunger, homelessness, the sick, the poor; Evangelicals overlook these groups every day to continue their support for the Republicans.  When Trump came on the scene, the right reimagined Hillary Clinton as a demon creature who was trying to kill everyone.  The Evangelicals, skeptical of Trump being their new messiah, eagerly adopted this narrative to justify their vote for someone who mocked a disabled man, threatened violence constantly, and was caught bragging about sexually assaulting women.  "He has his faults, but he's still better than HILLARY CLINTON!  I heard she spews fire out of her mouth!"  In my experience, Evangelicals were, BY FAR, the biggest pushers of Pizzagate, the mythical story Clinton was running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza place, a story the religious right loved, until a crazed man kicked in the door of said pizza place, fired two rounds and demanded the children being held in the basement be freed, only stopping when the restaurant informed him there was no basement!  Evangelicals who proudly pushed the story suddenly insisted "I'd heard it, but I never thought it was real!"

Ever since the election of 2016, Evangelicals have been on a slow downward spiral.  Nearly every day Trump does something undeniably anti-Christian, forcing the Evangelicals to swallow their pride, butcher their religion, and defend the indefensible.  For them, not defending Trump would be conceding a 'victory' to the Democrats.  When the violation is really bad, they say nothing, hoping the progressives they bashed for the last 25 years will ignore their silence.  When they are confronted, they started asking "why is everything about politics for you?  Can't we talk about something else?"  It's at this point I encourage them to examine their own social media timelines.  There isn't an Evangelical Trump defense which can't be effectively counterpointed by an Evangelical talking point from the past.

It's gotten so bad for the Evangelicals, their arguments defending Trump are not only embracing an extremely anti-Christian mantra, but they're also easily obliterated.  They even tried "Trump's not perfect, but Jesus orders me to forgive, and so I shall," to which I immediately ask "then why was forgiveness never an option with President Obama for any of the MADE UP allegations, things we know were an absolute farce?"  That usually gets me a death stare.

The Evangelicals are starting to get to the end of their 'blind faith road.'  With the revelations from porn star Stormy Daniels, plus the numerous other women who seems have ample evidence of Trump affairs, the end is near.  Proof:  the same people who despised and condemned Hillary Clinton for staying with her husband after his affair, are now comically insisting this mess between Trump and Melania is a personal matter and we should respect their privacy.  Even though Trump is undeniable non-Christian, the Evangelicals have decided to stay in bed with him.

Evangelicals, what happens if we suddenly find out he had a mistress have an abortion, one he encouraged and paid for?  We found out from the 60 Minutes Stormy interview he doesn't wear condoms.  What would you do?  EVERYTHING about your religious beliefs and subsequent political beliefs is wrapped up in you rigid 'no abortion ever' stance.  Would that be the final straw, or would the Evangelical argument be "well, he only had one abortion, not like the Democrats who want forced mandatory abortions, so we forgive him."  If you do so, you'll have lost everything, and you know it! 

You're already embarrassing yourselves with your complete lack of basic Christian principles when it comes to your continued support of Trump and the Republican Party, but if you continue to stand by people who embody everything you're totally against, just a reminder: it's your souls, not mine.

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