Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Eventualees

Let me introduce you to a brand new member of the Republican Party, the "Eventualees!"

The Eventuates can find their origins in the 'Both Siders," a common element within the Republican party.  Both Siders are predictable.  Say a Republican does something truly horrible, like Sarah Palin starting a drunken street brawl in the streets of Alaska.  They know they can't defend her actions, but unable to outright condemn her easily condemnable behavior, they adopt a deflection; "both sides are equally bad!"

I don't ever remember Bernie Sanders or Al Franken leading a drunken street brawl in their perspective states, so NO, they're not equally bad.  Both Siders will then panic, throwing out any Democratic smear they can, usually excessively minor, truthful or not, to insist both sides are equal.  It's like comparing a 6 year old who shoplifts a pack of gum with a axe murderer who's killed 100.  Sure they're both criminals, but we all can agree one is much worse than the other.  If you eventually get the Both Sider ultimately cornered, unable to deflect any more, they go ballistic, bellowing "FINE!  When every Democrat and their family apologize for Pizza gate and Benghazi and electing Obama, in triplicate, then, AND ONLY THEN, will I think of condemning Palin's drunken Alaskan street brawl!"

The Eventualees have been born in the wake of the Charlottesville Racist uprising, where white supremacists, the KKK, the Nazis, the alt right and numerous other far right hate groups came together, organized a unification rally under a weak Confederate Pride banner, screamed about the Jews and the N-words, attacked people with tiki torches, assaulted minorities, beat up members of the clergy, and then preformed a terrorist strike on peaceful protesters, running a car into them, killing one and injuring scores.  Wow, that's really horrible, something everyone should EASILY be able to condemn.

But yet a SHOCKING amount of Republicans can't do it.  You see, these far right loon-balls are now a recognized part of the Republican Party, thanks to GOP leadership slowly welcoming the racist fringe into the fold as loyal campaign foot soldiers.  With the Republican primary system completely controlled by the racist right, politicians are terrified of going on record to condemn the actions of people who many of their voters either support or somewhat agree with.  Having willingly cheered these crazies on as they roughed up left leaning protesters during the 2016 campaign, non-racist moderate Republicans are hesitant to abandon the 'date' they came to the dance with.

For the record, a small percentage of Republicans have done the right thing, and without caveats or hesitation, condemned the racist right.  Good for them.

Republicans who've been silent are now being cornered on their feelings about Charlottesville.  They start with a usual Both Siders defense, talking about how "the far more violent militant left was the real villain at Charlottesville, with the Nazis/KKK/racists really being misunderstood rapscallions."  When stunned faced people ask something to the effect of "Wait a second.  Are you saying there were good Nazis/KKK/racists at Charlottesville, that you're not outright condemning the white supremacists who killed a woman?", the Republican is forced to the inevitable.  They held off as long as they could, but EVENTUALLY, they had to state, "sure racists are bad...I guess, and I sure don't approve of what they did, but let me get back to how left leaning protesters, the media and President Obama are the REAL cause of the racial unrest!"

The next step for The Eventualees is to act like their milquetoast condemnation was a stringent denouncement from the very beginning.  "HOW DARE YOU!  I eventually got around to saying Nazis are bad, so that's good enough!"

Republicans, this is not rocket science:

White Supremacists, Nazis, the KKK, the alt-right and all their associated groups are truly horrible people.  What they did in Charlottesville is inexcusable.  They have freedom of speech and freedom to protest, but they do not have the right to violently attack others and should be prosecuted.  Violence, from any organization or individual, is wrong, but let be crystal clear: white supremacist/racist values ARE NOT American values, and I CONDEMN THEM, unequivocally.

Republican reluctance to address this issue, and their ham handed hemming and hawing as they try to find the right 'tone' which won't upset their base, should tell you exactly who is voting Republican today.  It's scary what the GOP seems to be willing to sacrifice to make sure racists from the extreme far right stay in the fold.

Then again, they might just be racists themselves, agreeing with the hate groups.  Their silence and reluctance makes questioning their motivations VERY legitimate.

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