Saturday, January 7, 2017

Troll Bridge

I'm very quick to block trolls.  These are the people who have an insane amount of time every day to cruise the internet, searching for people who disagree with them, trying to convince them they're wrong, and, when that doesn't work, unleashing a torrent of insults and varying threats, all in a pathetic effort to maintain the facade, the fake superiority bubble they thrive in.

These Trolls (mostly men, not completely, but at least 95%) go to someone else's webpage, Twitter feed, Facebook feed, or work page comment section, spewing their verbal defecation, pompously surveying the filth covered landscape they've created, like a two year old proudly holding up a finger painting made with human waste.  Since these are YOUR online realms, not theirs, it's the online version of a person kicking open the door to your house, preceding to take their pants off, going to the bathroom on your floor and then screaming, "YOU HAVE TO LIKE WHAT I JUST DID IN YOUR HOUSE!"


There are three different type of trolls.  Troll #1 is the guy who immediately starts in with the insults, ignorance, racism, bigotry and far right agenda.  You begin reading the first sentence of their post and by word three or four it becomes apparent you've wasted your time.

Troll #2 tries to be sly.  They know if they begin saying what they want to say, they'll be ignored, so they start off slow, making it seem like they want an ernest conversation.  You counterpoint their initial foolish claim with facts, and their response is to jump to a completely different point unrelated to what you started discussing.  You then bring in facts to counterpoint their second foolish argument, and then they jump to a different angle, or they start trying to, hilariously, offset your BBC and New York Times accredited facts with fake news stories from 'Conservo-Right Digest,' 'Righto's Weekly,' or 'Fox News'; anything to prevent from admitting they're wrong about anything.  By the time you get a few interactions into the conversation, Troll #2 gets enraged by your continued use of facts, furious you haven't insisted Troll #2 is a 'SUPER -GENIUS!'  They lose it.  Their final post is usually on par with a Troll #1's first.

Troll #3 is the best!  He's the guy who sits on the periphery of your conversations with the other Trolls, and waits for you to block Troll #1 or #2.  They then unleash a diatribe.  How you're anti-American for not letting Trolls come into your house and go to the bathroom on your floor.  How you're afraid, terrified of trying to debate the 'SUPER -GENIUS' that is Troll #1 or #2.  How you're a coward for not letting them violate your personal online experience.  Ask them, 'how exactly did you know I blocked Troll #1 or #2?'  Since this highlights their little Troll enclave, they lose it, usually putting forward a Troll #1 type of post.

Here's the deal, don't try to interact with them.  They're so desperate for validation, they need to violate other people's lives to feel better about theirs.  You'll NEVER bring them over to reality and truth.  They're not about to recognize their flawed and incompetent arguments.  They think they're the smartest people they know, and their lashing out with insults and threats is their firewall, preventing them from facing the undeniable truth; they're idiots.

Block them.  You do not owe them ANYTHING!  Just say goodbye.  Your life will be SO much better when you start purging the idiots from it.  And here's the best part: you'll forget who they are within hours of blocking them, while they'll be furious for months, upset you didn't call them the 'SUPER -GENIUS' they're convinced they are.

That's why it always puts a smile on my face when I hit 'block'.

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