Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Death of Christianity/President Trump, Week 1

On my show yesterday, I read off a laundry list of first week 'accomplishments' from our new President, Donald Trump:
  • Changed the rules on home loans, making a 200K loan cost $500 more a year
  • The Press Secretary's first meeting with the press was about how they're all dishonest, and how the crowd size of the Inauguration was much larger than it actually was
  • The President is using an unsecured smart phone tied to a non-government e-mail address
  • It was discovered the vast majority of the Trump Administration is still using non-governmental, non-secured e-mail addresses
  • Lays the groundwork to destroy the EPA
  • Follows through on his incredibly expensive, and misguided, border wall
  • Brings back waterboarding, torture and black sites
  • Endorsed a GOP move to make Abortion more expensive
  • Started the process of removing healthcare (the ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security)  for millions without a replacement plan in place
  • Pulls funding from Sanctuary cities, insisting you need to harass people in Trump's America
  • Pushes forward the illegal voter lie, even going as far as to insist every one of the millions of illegal votes was for Hillary.
  • Starts profiteering at Mar-a-Lago
  • Orders many governmental agencies to not share ANY information with the public without direct approval from the Administration
  • It took Trump two days to declare parts of Mississippi and Georgia as disaster areas after tornadoes ravaged them
  • He threatened to invade Chicago
  • Insulted fallen CIA agents with a inappropriate speech at their memorial
  • Endorsed the declaring of millions of acres of Federal land worthless, so they can be sold off
  • Approved new pipelines, even as multiple ones are spilling their contents 
  • Seriously damaged relations with our third biggest trading partner Mexico
  • The Press Secretary tweeted his personal password for non-secured accounts, TWICE!
  • Insisted Philadelphia had a skyrocketing murder rate, when it's actually gone down dramatically
  • Started a trade war with Mexico when he threw a public temper tantrum
  • Showed he doesn't understand the difference between 'imports' and 'exports'
  • Had his chief advisor order the media to keep their mouths shut
  • We find out his illegal voters fraud story is based on a racial tinged story from a German golfer
  • Misspells the British Prime Ministers name, confusing her with a porn star
  • Leading a united Republican Party in refusing to acknowledge the mountains of evidence that the Russians tampered with the election of 2016
  • Implies ISIS, Saturday Night Live and Madonna were all equal in their evilness
  • Has his likely European Union Ambassador imply he's will destroy the EU
  • Honors Holocaust Remembrance Day by not mentioning the Jewish people, but instead calling for rounding up other people
  • Has his new UN ambassador openly threaten the rest of the UN.
That's an insane list.  If Hillary Clinton was the President (she did get 2.9 million more votes), and decided to do the same things as Trump, how many of those actions would've lead to immediate scorn from every news outlet in America?  How many would've lead to demands for immediate hearings from House and Senate Republicans?  How many of the actions would've lead to Republican politicians screaming on the floor of Congress, demanding an impeachment hearing to begin due haste?

But it was something that happened after my show yesterday which should cause all Americans to hang their heads in shame.  Trump followed through with his promise to stop Muslims from entering the country by signing an Executive Order which immediately installed a new set of rules, creating a religious litmus test for people entering the USA, specifically singling out Syrians fleeing their war torn country as Public Enemy #1.  The mind boggling order still allows people from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates, countries where the 9/11 terrorists came from, to enter the country, due to Trump's personal business relationships with those countries.  The list of countries forbidden reads as hate rhetoric, written by Republicans who now believe it as gospel.  Trump gleefully congratulated himself, soaking up the accolades of racists, bigots and Islamaphobes, as he high-fived the notion of stopping a Syrian family, a family who had gone through our extensive screening process, from relocating to Cleveland, a destination they were supposed to reach on Tuesday.  As of this morning, agents at our airports are freely and openly harassing all Muslims.  134 million people have been labeled terrorists solely for their religious beliefs, and have been banned from entering the United States.

Yesterday, Christianity died in America.

It didn't die because our President installed Immigration policy which will stand in infamy with slavery, the Trail of Tears and Japanese interment camps.

It didn't die because America decided to no longer be a symbol of hope, and instead decided to wallow in fear, becoming a delusional, crazed, sweaty, nervous zealot who sits alone in his basement surrounded by his guns, insisting he's safe.

It didn't die because America is no longer a Super Power.  Super Powers don't have elections openly controlled by outside countries, and Super Powers sure as heck don't allow other countries, countries with only a small percentage of our population and resources, to lead, as we retreat to the back of the line.

Christianity died in America on January 27th, 2017, when jubilant, angry, racist-tinged fanatics, people who insist they're driven by their Christian principles, cheered as their Demi-God Trump personally stiff armed refugees from a war torn country, telling them there's no sanctuary for 'their kind' in the USA.  He hung a 'No Muslims Allowed' sign on the door, telling the world, "there's no room at the Inn."  This in what was supposed to be the beacon of freedom and liberty on the planet.

A lot of Christians purposely ignore 95% of the Bible to validate their 'Christian' vote for a Republican politician, politicians who are only using them to gain power.  The issue they use is abortion, but Republican politicians won't ever make abortion illegal, just more expensive, so their bankrollers can still have them. Wealthy people abortions are still abortions, and if you insist you're pro-Life, and you stand by Republican policy on this, you're a massive hypocrite.

But your personal feelings about abortion should only be a part of your Christian faith.  There are a lot of other teachings too, many of which are openly violated by Republicans and Trump.  Christianity was never meant to be an outrage buffet, where you get to pick and choose which parts you want to be outraged by, while passing on the other parts (hunger, homelessness, heath care, the sick, the needy, refugees).  You're the ones screaming about how Christian you are as you eyeball the anti-gay chocolate fountain, passing by the build your own 'help the leper' sundaes.

If you're a 'Christian' who's cheering on what happened yesterday, you're a heretic; a Republican   trying to bathe in fake piety.  You've finally gotten to the point where you're openly rooting against Jesus Christ and his teachings, while insisting you define what it means to be Christian.  This weekend, plenty on 'Christian' leaders will preach about how divine and spiritual Trump and his actions are.  They'll scour their Bibles for bits and pieces of passages they can take out of context and misquote to religiously validate the political beliefs of their parishioners.  They'll insist Jesus would approve of denying the needy help.

This weekend, many 'Christians' will gladly take the role of hammering Jesus to the Cross, telling him how putting the nails in his hands and feet is really the spirit of Jesus' own teachings...

Yesterday, Christianity died in America.

1 comment:

  1. My sentiments exactly. Are Americans truly that blind? Can they rise up as a people and right this wrong? Should the rest of the world shrug their shoulders and turn a blind eye to this dictator? No. Hell no! He must be impeached. Unfortunately I see a mass world war coming...because of the POTUS. I am scared, as well the rest of the world should be. 😢


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