Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Response to Randy

This morning, I talked about the Senate's torture report, a disgusting revelation of violent abuse and the unconscionable cover up by the CIA and the W. Bush administration.  The bipolar mentality by the Bush administration, sized up primarily in former Vice President Dick Cheney, highlights the internal struggle the Republican Party has with this sort of thing.  On one side, if they admit they tortured, they know their eternal legacy will be tied to the heinous act, so they tip toe around it, acting as if the worst thing that happened was a purple nurple, and the end result is 1500 thwarted attacks.  On the other side, they so want to brag about it, thrusting their freedom boners at anyone who questioned their decisions, with an "F-yeah we tortured them.  We did it with a smile on out faces and got nothing in return.  That's right, we did because we could!  U-S-A, U-S-A!"

Randy in Coon Rapids, a regular caller from the conservative side of life, chimed in this morning.  In back to back sentences, he said he was 1) a Christian and 2) glad we tortured people and hope we do it again.  One might ask how can Randy, and many other Republicans, so blindly defend the un-defendable, making a mockery of their humanity.  They can because they follow one core belief, no Republican could ever be wrong, regardless of how much it compromises their own dignity and morality to defend them.

Imagine Pavlov's Dog.  The master rings the bell, the dog salivates waiting for the kibble to come.  Now, replace the bell with a Republican position they want to sell or a Republican crisis they need to defend, replace the dogs with brainless Republicans who never question, replace the drool with the conservative talking points fed to the right's fervent supporters, and the kibble is the promise of money.  The GOP knows they never have to deliver the money, as the drool starts the minute the Republicans ring the bell to rally their troops.  They just have to make vague promises of "someday" bringing out the bowl of money.  The drool flows so freely from the right's lemmings, they've gotten to the point where they will trample upon the two things they swear they defend most of all, Religion and American Values.

To justify their belligerence, the right has created a jaw dropping, stunningly stupid series of defensive positions:

  • Obamacare, trying to give millions affordable healthcare, must be stopped due to "Death Panels!"
  • Gun Violence must never be addressed because the founding fathers wanted everyone to have a machine gun, the only people with guns if you make them illegal will be criminals, and all of these shootings are actually perpetrated by the anti-gun community as "false flag" operations.
  • An unarmed Michael Brown being gunned down in the street was justified because he was a "demon!"
  • Benghazi, with the tragedy of four American dead, is FAR worse than the Iraq war, fought under false pretenses, at a cost of trillions of tax payer dollars, with near 5000 dead American soldiers and over 30,000 permanently injured American soldiers, and Iraq is no better off than it was before we got there.
  • Voter ID is justified, because spending millions of dollars and knowingly disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of voters is a small price to pay to stop a one or two miscast votes, votes which are generally miscast purposely by Republicans trying to prove the system is broken.
  • Sarah Palin is not an embarrassment, it's just the Liberals are jealous.

I could go on for days...

The amazing thing about the Republican voter never ending drool is how in states like Oklahoma, Mississippi, Kansas and South Carolina it still flows so freely.  The GOP has firmly been in charge of these states for many years.  They never have delivered on their promises, quite the contrary, the quality of life for most of the residents of these God forsaken nether regions is horrid.  But the drool never stops, like a simpleton's Old Faithful.

Now we have torture, and the Republicans saliva patrol is out in force, making a mockery of the principles of this country and the religion they wear on their sleeves.  They will scream "partisan politics," desperately trying to dismiss the truth, just so they can get back to investigating Obama's birth certificate, starting another Benghazi investigation, revisiting Whitewater and debating whether to impeach President Obama, you know, their "non-partisan' agenda.

Don't worry, I am prepared for the next Randy call.  I just hope I don't laugh out loud when he starts his version of a thoughtfully constructed counterpoint.

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