Once again, the reason I'm posting this list is because if the letter next to President's name was a 'D' instead of and 'R', most of this list would've AT LEAST warranted a stern, condemning press conference. The majority of these infractions would've justified immediate Congressional hearings, and more than a few of these would've been the catalyst to begin impeachment proceedings. Instead, the same Republicans who had a rage-gasams at the thought of President Obama disrespecting the troops, sit quietly as their guy not only ignores dead US soldiers, but when he finally does find time in his golf schedule to make a call, he insults military widows with insensitive comments. Proud day, Republicans!
It is indeed a scary time of the year. Let's go trick or treating!
- In a sign the damage to the Republican Party is already done, Vice President Mike Pence went to a rally in the reddest district in Virginia. In a room which fit 1200, and would've been overflowing a year ago, only 400 showed up, for Pence
- A Democratic Congressman, Steve Cohen, is saying at least one House Republican is currently considering Articles of Impeachment against Trump
- The Trump Administration, realizing every legitimate review of their tax plan points out it's obscenely top heavy nature, have released their own benefit "research," stating if a whole bunch of mythical scenarios come true, a working class worker MIGHT see a benefit...MIGHT
- Washington Post report states Senator Bob Corker's claim the White House is an 'adult daycare center' might be fact. There are daily attempts to "intentionally" delay Trump so he can "calm down," attempts to rein in the "impetuous Trump." At the same time aides and outside advisors are trying to push their friends and allies into key White House appointments by setting up TV interviews for their buddies, and then advising Trump to tune in to certain shows for praise
- The battle lines in DC are forming. On one side is the Republican establishment who want their way, but who don't want to change things too much. On the other side is the 'Axis of Stupidity', Steven Bannon, the Koch Brothers, the Nazis, White Supremacists and the self serving (people like Gover Nordqvist or the Russians). These two groups are desperately fighting for control of Trump, and the USA
- To pay for Trump's billionaire tax breaks, Trump and Republicans are eyeing the earned income tax credit, a tax refund geared towards the working poor
- Trump's choice for his new Drug Czar, Rep. Tom Marino, was actually the guy to crippled the DEA's fight agains the opioid epidemic. He took drug company money to make sure suspicious drug shipments from companies could not be frozen by the DEA
- Report from the New Yorker states Trump often mocked Vice President Pence, much like he mocked many former members of the White House staff. The primary source for Pence's ridicule is his Christians faith. Trump us actively mocking Christianity!
- During the same interview, when asked about gay rights, Trump pointed at Pence and said "Don't ask that guy. He wants to hang them all!" Sweet Lord...
- White House Advisor and Trump son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his family, might end up losing control of the New York City based 5th Ave Tower. This is the same tower they were trying to use their connections to Trump to help financially
- People are openly suspecting Facebook is not being forthright, blocking data they have in regards to Russian purchased pro-Trump ads from the 2016 Election
- Trump desperately wants to run against Hillary Clinton again in 2020
- Representative Devin Nunes, a Trump lackey, and a man who was supposed to step aside in any US House Trump/Russia investigation, had his targeted subpoenas for the people behind the Steele Dossier, Fusion GPS, rejected. Fusion's counsel went on to point to the bad faith interactions between Nunes and the company is one of many reasons the founders will outright refuse to testify
- Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross failed to completely list all of his assets on his disclosure forms when applying for the job. He left two BILLION, with a B, off of his forms. Oopsie!
- According to the New Yorker, First Daughter and White House staffer doing...something(?) Ivanka Trump commandeered a Trump Transition meeting away from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and offered traitorous bastard Michael Flynn any job he wanted in the White House
- Trump, talking to the media, told them to stop covering ObamaCare, because "it's dead. There's no such thing anymore." It actually is still he law of the land, with Obamacare sign ups beginning again soon
- In what might be a direct response to Steve Bannon's Value Voters Summit comments, Trump specifically held an impromptu press conference with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to re-establish his commitment to working with the Senate leader. He claimed he and McConnell are "buddies"
- Trump goes to a new low. In an effort to excuse his inexcusable behavior in regards to the four Green Berets killed in Niger, Trump stated "President Obama and other Presidents, most them didn't make calls" to the families of soldiers killed in combat. That is an unequivocal lie, easily disproven in the case of Obama and ALL the other Presidents, prior to Trump
- Alyssa Mastromanaco, President Obama's former Deputy Chief of Staff, called out Trump's lie on soldiers killed in combat, and she didn't mix words. "that's a f*king lie! [Trump]'s a deranged animal."
- Numerous media outlets immediately call out Trump's lie about President Obama and other Presidents never calling the families of soldiers killed in the line of duty
- NBA coach of the San Antonio Spurs Gregg Popovich called Trump "unfit" and a "soulless coward" for not calling the families of the fallen Green Berets
- White House Press Secretary tried her best to defend Trump's outrageous "no President ever called the families of fallen soldiers" comment by stating Trump was "just stating a fact." That itself is an outrageous lie
- House and Senate Investigators are turing their attention towards the GOP activist, Peter Smith, who committed suicide a few weeks after he acknowledged 1) he had been actively searching for who had hacked Hillary's emails prior to the 2016 Election, 2) had direct ties to former National Security Advisor and traitorous bastard Michael Flynn, and Former Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, and 3) had been working with the Trump campaign on opposition research
- A paper trail shows Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly ordered Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, ICE, to label undocumented immigrants as criminals to justify the mass raids ICE was conducting across the country
- The White House, in a sign they might be starting to circle the wagons, have outright refused a request by the House Oversight Committee for information about private e-mail use by various White House Staffers, including First Daughter and White House staffer doing...something(?) Ivanka Trump and her husband White House Advisor and Trump son-in-law, Jared Kushner
- The buck stops with someone else! Trump, a man who promised all his legislation would get passed almost immediately after he took office, fails to criticize his own lackluster efforts to get bills passed, and points to Senate Republicans as the reason his agenda is stalled
- Former Democratic nominee, and winner of the popular vote in 2016, Hillary Clinton, compared Trump to the serial sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein
- Given an opportunity to condemn the hate speech of Republican Candidate for Senate in Alabama, Roy Moore, Trump refused and bragged about meeting with Moore soon
- Trump, when asked about the subpoena he had served for documents on sexual assault accusations, called it "totally fake news"
- Trump's continued failure at taking care of American citizens on Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, where people are dying due to Trump's incompetent response, is unforgivable. Trump once again blames Puerto Rico for getting hit by two hurricanes
- Trump purposely dodged question on whether or not he was aware of what the true meaning of the kneeling protest NFL players were committing to
- Trump is cheering the economic comments of former Reagan Administration member Art Laffer, especially the ones touting Trump's tax plan. Laffer is the man who helped instigate Kansas's full trickle down economics, policies which have completely annihilated that state's economy
- Trump's two appointees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission pushed through two new pipelines, pipelines the lone Democrat on the committee called unnecessary "given the environmental impacts and possible superior alternatives"
- Asked once again what exactly First Daughter and White House staffer doing...something(?) Ivanka Trump's actual role is in the Administration, the White House is outright refusing to explain
- While receiving the Liberty Medal, Senator John McCain criticizes Trump and Steven Bannon for their "...half baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who had rather find scapegoats than solve problems..."
- Colin Kaepernick, the NFL player who started the kneeling during the National Anthem to protest racial injustice in America, has sued the NFL for colluding to keep him from playing for anyone. The focus of the lawsuit will be Trump's influence over the NFL owners, billionaires who have a lot to gain from Trump's pro-wealthy policies
- Former GOP Representative David Jolly, disgusted by Trump and the current GOP, actually stated the country will be safer if the Democrats win the House in 2018
- It's being reported that one of the Green Berets who was killed in Niger, Sergeant La David Johnson, had his body left on the battlefield for 48 hours before being retrieved. Once again I do not think we should be politicizing these deaths, but the point of these lists is what would Republicans be outraged by if the President's party was Democratic. I guarantee there would be immediate hearings on Capitol Hill about this, with the goal of attaching the failure to Sergeant Johnson to the Democratic Administration
- Retired Army Lt. General Mark Hurtling blasted Trump for his lies about the Niger ambush and his excuses for not reaching out to the military families
- Trump's anti-immigration stance is leading to a tech boom, in Mexico. Most major US tech companies have expanded their operations south of the border
- Rep. Tom Marino, after it was pointed out he was responsible for gutting the legal enforcement of opioid shipments from drug companies, has withdrawn his name for consideration as Trump's Drug Czar
- A small business owner from Massachusetts, Dave Ratner, says he was tricked into being at the White House for Trump's anti-ObamaCare signing. He was told the only thing Trump would be signing was a bill to allow small businesses to form associations to buy insurance, not the attempted killing of ObamaCare. Ratner is taking a lot of heat for being there, so this could just be an excuse to try to redeem himself after the fact
- Trump claims he's justified in his Obama never cared for the Troops comments, buy putting out Chief of Staff John Kelly, whom Trump says never got a phone call from President Obama after his son was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan in 2010. Trump stated "you could ask General Kelly if he got a call from Obama"
- Traitorous bastard, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's son, Michael Flynn Jr, might soon be subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee himself, as he's refused to turn over documents and to testify before the committee up until this point
- First Daughter and White House staffer doing...something(?) Ivanka Trump touted her new World Back led initiative to empower women entrepreneurs. She posted a video on Twitter and it immediately drew criticism, including the most obvious, "what about your dads sexual abuse/assault allegations?"
- Should be noted most of Ivanka's programs are being funded by foreign countries and foreign organizations Ivanka is openly soliciting donations from while in the White House, something Republicans were OUTRAGED by the thought of 11 months ago
- After Senator John McCain's criticism of Trump and Steve Bannon, Trump warns McCain "I fight back...and it won't be pretty"
- The real story of President Obama's response after the loss of Chief of Staff John Kelly's son comes out. First General Kelly had specifically asked for privacy for his family after the loss, not wanting to make it seem like one lost soldier was more important than another lost soldier. The Obama's then did invite them to sit with Michelle Obama during a breakfast honoring gold star families at the White House in early 2011. By all accounts, General Kelly and his wife attended
- Trump is nominating White House Deputy Counsel Greg Katsas to the Washington DC court of appeals. Katsas specifically was pushing against the Mueller probe from ever happening, and if his nomination is approved, he'd be on the court listening to any appeals of the Mueller probe
- Scripps News Political Correspondent Mike Sacks called out Trump to his face about Trump's claims the US is the highest taxed country in the world. Asked why he was saying something objectively false, as it undermines his credibility, Trump, after deflecting, said "Because a lot of people know exactly what I'm talking about" No...no they don't
- Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, during a radio interview, lambasted the Washington DC Press corps for not heaping more praise on First Daughter and White House staffer doing...something(?) Ivanka Trump
- A US Court blocks Trump's latest attempt at his Unconstitutional Immigration/Refugee/Muslim travel ban
- According to CNN, Russian oligarch with close ties to Evil Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin, Yevgeny Prigozhin's company bankrolled a social media troll factory to spread fake news to US citizens in 2016
- It's reported Robert Mueller has talked with Trump's former Press Secretary Sean Spicer, in his continuing investigation into Trump/Russia
- Trump goes on Twitter to once again rail against the media for reporting stories he doesn't want them to cover
- Moscow newspaper RBC Daily has an explosive expose stating Russian trolls posing as Americans made payments to real American activists to help fund protest movements related to socially divisive issues. Apparently around 100 real activists were contacted, and $80,000 was spent on this attack on the USA
- It's reported on MSNBC that White House Advisor and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner met with the Putin appointed head of the Russian slush fund Putin used to influence American politics, Sergey Gorkov. Kushner met with Gorkov during the transition and he's not explained what happened during that meeting or what exactly was discussed
- Trump keeps using the Rolling Stones song, 'You Can't Always Get What You Want,' as an entrance song, oblivious of the irony, even though the Rolling Stones have requested he not use the song
- Trump finally called a family member of one of the soldiers lost in Niger. He called the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and told her, still grieving mind you, "He knew what he signed up for." Rep. Frederica Wilson confirmed he said it, and condemned his lack of tact and sensitivity. "I was going to curse him out." The widow was left in tears
- Trump, during a press conference with the President of Greece, was asked by FoxNews what his healthcare plan is. What came next was a jumbled word salad which should make anyone question Trump's sanity. He attacked insurance companies, then attacked ObamaCare, and then attacked Democrats. Three minutes of mindless ranting and he never once got close to answering the question
- Thumbing their noses at Trump's attempt to kill Obamacare, Senators Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray have come up with a deal to stabilize the healthcare markets in the short term (2 years) to ensure they keep operating while Republicans try to figure out what the heck they're doing. No word if it would pass the Senate, or even be taken up by the House
- Trump's nominee for a Federal Judge position in Alabama, Brett Talley, has called for Hillary Clinton to be jailed, and defended Trump's use of the six sided star in anti-Semitic ads against Hillary
- A meeting between the NFL owners and the NFL Players Association did not come up with a mutual agreement in regards to players kneeling during the National Anthem in protest of racial injustice in America. Trump has ordered the NFL to make the predominantly African American players bow to his will. So far, they're not bowing; still kneeling
- It seems White House Advisor and Trump son-in-law, Jared Kushner was always very wary of former FBI Director James Comey, from the beginning of the transition stage. He apparently is terrified of the Mueller probe focusing on the reasons and rationale for firing Comey, something he apparently had some involvement in
- After a series of Trump Administration technology compromises (Russian "antivirus" software which was spying on us, the hacking of Chief of Staff kelly's phone) the Senate is asking for probes of how the Pentagon is responding to the source code/technology threat
- Trump's Anti-Voting Commission might be headed for disbandment after one of the commission's researchers was arrested on child pornography charges. The researcher, Ronald Williams II, has a history of working in the inner circles of the private conservative groups, who are the real people running the Commission. Democratic members are calling for transparency on Williams, as well as other members of the commission
- Trump posts an early morning rage tweet against Rep. Frederica Wilson, the Democrat who was listening in on Trump's call when he told the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson "he knew what he signed up for." A screaming Trump states Wilson is lying and insists he has proof he didn't say it, but, of course, he's not letting anyone see said proof of his innocence
- Rep. Frederica Wilson called Trump a "sick man" in reference of his attempts to call her a liar. Wilson referring Trump: "this gentleman has a brain disorder. And he needs to be checked out."
- Trump on Monday said he's personally consoled every family who has lost a service member while he's been in office. We know of at least two gold star families he's never once contacted, beyond the four families of the Green Berets we lost, and one family stated they had received a letter, but no call from Trump
- Trump once again ordered the NFL to force the African American football players and their supporters to stand during the National Anthem, just because he's told them to
- A second Federal Judge has blocked Trump's new Unconstitutional Immigration/Refugee/Muslim travel ban from being installed
- Now Sgt. La David Johnson's mother is calling Trump a liar. She was also present when Trump called her son's widow, and she confirms Rep. Frederica Wilson's version of events
- The White House is starting to walk back Trump's Twitter temper tantrum remarks about Rep. Frederica Wilson lying, now saying he was "misunderstood"
- Attorney General Jeff Sessions invoked executive privilege at a Senate Judiciary Oversight Committee hearing to prevent from answering questions from the Democrats on the committee
- Sessions also frantically avoided answering any questions about the firing of former FBI Director James Comey
- House Democrats are planning on subpoenaing the Administration's documents on traitorous bastard Michael Flynn, after the White House refuses to turnover said documents
- Trump, a day after signaling he'd support a bi-partisan deal to fund ObamaCare for two years, now says he's completely against it
- Undocumented minors who are in government custody, who've either been raped before or while in custody, will be denied abortion access under Trump
- Trump freaks out when the FBI confirmed that former Director James Comey wrote a letter exonerating Hillary Clinton of all charges. Mind you, he clearly doesn't care if it was factual or not
- When asked for his "proof" he didn't say what Rep. Frederica Wilson said he stated, Trump got pouty. "I didn't say what the Congresswoman said. I did not say what she said."
- Trump then followed it up with a threat to Rep. Wilson, daring her to "make her statement again and they you will find out."
- Senator Dick Durbin pointed out that Attorney General Jeff Sessions would have blown up if he, when he was a senator, would have had an Attorney General dodge questions like he did today
- Durbin then attacked Sessions lack of comprehensive plan to deal with GLBTQ discrimination caused by Sessions "religious freedom" guidance, putting out numerous examples of scenarios which clearly Sessions had no answer for, or just didn't want to give the answer he knew on camera: "yes that discrimination would be legal."
- Senator Al Franken absolutely mopped the floor with Sessions when he confronted him about his never ending changing excuses about his Russian connections. Sessions ending up falling back to denying "a continuing exchange of information" with the Russians. Sessions then added, "I don't have to sit here and listen to this"
- Franken then started messing with Sessions, HARD! He confronted Sessions on Trump surrogates communicating with the Russians, and when Sessions stated he didn't think there were any, Franken brought out a laundry list of Trump people who we know have had Russian contacts (Flynn, Manafort, Kushner, Tweedle Dee), and proceeded to slam dunk Sessions
- Senator Amy Klobuchar also went after Sessions. She cornered Sessions on the White House's war on the media, and Session refused to promise that he wouldn't jail journalists for doing their job
- The daily press briefing with White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was an absolute train wreck. Sanders was immediately in over her head, trying to insist Trump was respectful and supportive in his call to Sgt. La David Johnson's widow, while having to confirm whether or not he was even aware of the name of the soldier whose family he was talking to. He kept using the phrase "your guy" during the call
- It's not like Trump hasn't called some family members of fallen soldiers, but even those calls are giving him issues. In one of those calls, he offered the grieving father $25,000, but only followed through on Wednesday after backlash from not paying the man what he offered
- Another gold star family reports they were told Trump would call the, but he never did
- It's reported that right before the election, Kellyanne Conway, Michael Flynn and Donald Trump Jr. (Tweddle Dee) all retweeted posts from Russian trolls posing as American Republicans. They all pushed Russian propaganda. The account @10_GOP was pretending be a Tennessee Republican sympathizer, but was actually a set up fake Russian account. No word on whether Conway, Flynn or Tweedle knew that when they posted the tweets
- Someone needs to fire the Trump photo supervisor. The latest mistake was using a photo of the White House to tout Trump's tax plan, a photo which featured former President Obama's dog Bo front and center in the image. The photo was from 2012
- Former CIA Director John Brennan says it's "implausible" the Russian were able to mess with the US Election of 2016 at the level they did without major help from within the United States
- Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin says it's to hard to reform the tax code without delivering a major windfall to the ultra wealthy. Actually it's REALLY easy. You just don't give the ultra wealthy tax cuts. DONE!
- Trump's former Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski has met with the Senate Intelligence Committee
- The White House is putting forward the revelation that Chief of Staff Kelly had no idea Trump was a about to invoke Kelly's son's death as cover for Trump's lackluster Niger response
- The White House is also saying there was a draft release conveying sympathy for the deaths of the four Green Beret's in Niger, but for whatever the reason, it was never released
- It's now revealed Trump himself thanked the Russian propaganda Twitter account
- In a new sign of trouble for Trump, people are starting to ask what exactly was going on with the Niger mission where we lost four Green Berets and why is the Administration so quiet about what was going on there. The feeling is Trump might be purposely creating a distraction with his inappropriate comments, trying to hide in plain sight
- WOW!!! Realizing the net is closing up around him, Trump unleashes a bizarre conspiracy theory (ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!). He's now insisting the Steele Dossier, the one which implicates him with his many Russian connections, and exposes his urine fetish, is actually a conspiracy between the Democrats, the Russians, and the FBI
- In making his bizarre conspiracy claim, Trump is asking who paid for the Steele Dossier, somewhat implying he's not contesting the contents of the dossier
- The owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars NFL team, Shahid Khan, says Trumps jealously and anger at the NFL stems from his failed bid to buy the Buffalo Bills, a bid which was partially thwarted by the leagues concern over his finances
- Reports are Chief of Staff General John Kelly was disgusted his son's death was politicized by Trump
- UN Ambassador Nikki Haley contradicted Trump on NAFTA. While Trump keeps insisting he'll rip up the agreement, Haley points out, I don't see us ripping up any deals, as if they could, "We would've done it already"
- After White House Cyber Security Coordinator Rob Joyce upset both parties when he didn't appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee as scheduled, to discuss cyber threats facing the US, Senator John McCain, is now weighing subpoenaing him to force him to testify
- In a speech in New York City, former President W. Bush tore into Trump for 16 full minutes. He never once said his name, but undeniably condemned him and his actions over the last few months. Amongst his comments, he condemned white supremacy, calling it a 'blasphemy,' and encouraged leaders to take on a more positive role, saying bullying and prejudice are beneath the national tine
- Trump says his response to Puerto Rico ranks as a '10,' even as 28% of residents still don't have drinking water a month after the hurricane
- Trump says his response to Puerto Rico ranks as a '10,' even with only 20% of the residents having restored electricity
- Trump says his response to Puerto Rico ranks as a '10,' even as reports emerge the death count in Puerto Rico is grossly being underreported. The official count is 45, but it is likely closer to 400 to 450
- Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Kamenei, told a group of young Iranians Trump is just pretending to be an idiot. With all due respect, if this is an act, then he's the greatest actor of all time
- The tone deafness from the White House is astounding, as White House spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway insisted anyone criticizing Trump for politicizing soldier's deaths are "just the haters," and they're "people of privilege" trying to "score cheap political points against the President"
- Early polling in New Hampshire shows Trump only getting 47% of the GOP vote for 2020
- Chief of Staff General John Kelly lashed out at "this woman," Rep. Frederica Wilson, for revealing what was said on the Trump call to the Green Beret widow. Mind you he didn't contest what was said
- The day before, Trump was insisting what Rep. Frederica Wilson said wasn't true, and he had proof that proved her wrong. Today, General John Kelly confirmed Wilson's version of events
- European officials have already started to circumvent Trump and are going directly to Vice President Pence when they need to get things done. They feel as if Pence is the only cabinet member who can't be ousted by Trump at this point
- It's reported the US based Russian internet troll farms which helped propel Trump to victory are still operating in the United States. The number of them could be in the hundreds
- Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is begging House Republicans not to retire or resign in droves, as the latest, Rep. Pat Tiberi, announced his retirement. A large portion of the GOP seems to have no stomach to run in the age of Trump
- Trump's motorcade was protested in a tried and true method. An onlooker hilariously dropped trou and got 'cheeky' with the motorcade. The description: "It was a full moon"
- Gold Star father Khizr Khan said of Trump, "he has embarrassed the nation"
- Twitter only gave the Senate Intelligence Committee a sliver of the information requested, in regards to Russian infiltration of their social media platform in 2016
- Trump, whose family primarily resides in New York, personally interviewed two candidates to fill US attorney positions within New York jurisdictions
- Stories from inside the Supreme Court state pretty much everyone hates Neil Gorsuch, including many of the conservatives. Justice Elana Kagan has particularly gone after Gorsuch in conference
- Trump is now saying Rep. Frederica Wilson was illegally "SECRETLY" eavesdropping on the "Personal" call he gave to Sgt. Johnson's widow. It should have been clear Trump was on a speaker phone when he called
- Defense Secretary James Mattis is rightly furious, as he seems to have little knowledge of what happened during the Niger raid. His lack of information leads to more questions about what exactly happened
- Evil despot Vladimir Putin (BOOO!) has ordered all Americans to stop making fun of, and disrespecting, Trump. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
- Paul Ryan, at a charity event where the point is to make fun of politics and Washington DC, did have a heck of a zinger at Trump's expense. Addressing the applauding crowd: "Enough with the applause. You sound like Trump's cabinet."
- Former Secretary of State John Kerry said Trump's decision to end the Iranian Nuclear Deal would only worsen our relations within the North Korean situation
- EPA Director Scott Pruitt has promised big corporations an expedited permit review time, promising to have permit requests down to 6 months (factor in that's including a complete environmental review) by the end of 2018.
- Technology companies in the US are pushing hard against Trump's decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act, DACA (the Dreamers Act)
- North Korea is apparently sending our allies letters encouraging them to end their alliances with the United States due to Trump. Australia confirmed it was one of the recipients of said letter
- Reports from individual states point to Trump's refusal to fund ObamaCare has led to chaos in regards to pricing at the state level
- Changing the trend of the last few years, 3.5 million more Americans are now uninsured thanks to the actions of the Trump and his administration
- The Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulín Cruz destroys Trump's claim that he had preformed at a '10' level in regards to Puerto Rico recovery
- Political leaders in the United Kingdom are condemning Trump's tweet where he insisted the rise in crime in the UK is a direct result of "Radical Islamic terror." The rise in crime is due to gang related activities, and no, not islamic gangs, but good old British ones. Labour Party MP Chris Bryant: "Butt out of it [Trump]!"
- In reaction to Trump's claim about UK crime, the best response from the UK comes from Liberal Democrat MP Jo Swinson: "Hate crime is up and it is fueled by the kind of populist xenophobia you peddle." She's claiming Trump has far more to do with the crime rate in the UK than radical Islamic terrorists
- Addressing the ultra far right Heritage Foundation, EPA Director Scott Pruitt announced plans to ban scientists whose work has been funded by EPA grants from advising the agency, and then he openly questioned the independence of any independent scientist, stating their taking of grant money disqualifies them from being neutral. Pruitt's new policy is the only scientists they will trust with scientific information are either ones who have no money to do research or are paid for by corporations
- Another sign the damage has already been done to the Republican Party, the Colorado Republican Party has had to discount the cost of tickets to see Vice President Mike Pence's speech. The VIP area only seats 400, but yet the tickets had to be discounted 45%
- Reminder: 11 months ago, Republicans insisted anyone using a private email for government business needed to be fired. Rep. Elijah Cummings says the White House is refusing to identify the current Trump aides who are using private email for work
- Continuing the White House's war with their 'enemies,' Chief of Staff John Kelly stated Rep. Frederica Wilson did not pay respect to two fallen FBI agents during a dedication ceremony at FBI headquarters in 2015. He said Rep. Wilson inappropriately bragged about securing the money for the building. Almost immediately a video of the ceremony surfaces and it proves Kelly's assertions were completely fabricated
- White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, even though she said she'd seen the video of Rep. Frederica Wilson's FBI Building dedication speech, said the White House and General Kelly stood by his mis-characterization of the speech. Asked if Kelly was correct, Sanders said "absolutely." She then went onto state it's inappropriate to question the truthfulness of a four star general, like John Kelly, even though the video shows quite clearly he was lying
- As the White House insists it's inappropriate to question four star Generals, Trump's Twitter account has multiple tweets where Trump is openly questioning four star Generals John Allen and Colin Powell
- Rep. Frederica Wilson says the White House is full of white supremacists, and she feels sorry for John Kelly
- Democrats are accusing the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee of trying to sabotage any investigation into Trump/Russia
- The Russians present in the now infamous Trump Tower meeting with Kushner, Manafort and Trump Jr. (Tweddle Dee), have been interrogated by the Senate Intelligence Committee
- CNN has unearthed claims that Trump insisted he built the Vietnam War Memorial in NYC. He didn't
- Trump is promoting a book(?) by a religious advisor (?) Robert Jeffress, who also seemed to be encouraging people to shoot the NFL players taking knee to protest racial injustice in America(???). Someone needs to tell him Christianity doesn't work that way
- Another Advisor for Trump, George Papadopoulos, a member of Trump's campaign foreign policy team, is a new person of interest in the Senate Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation
- After Trump claimed he'd contacted 'virtually every' Gold Star Family member, something he clearly had not done, the White House had to go into scramble mode to attempt to fix the claim
- Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump, wife of Eric (Tweedle Dum), claims to have read what is supposed to be a non-existent transcript of the Trump phone call to Sgt. Johnson's widow, implying a transcript does indeed exist
- Okay, I'll ask. What the heck is Trump's daughter in law doing having access to Presidential phone transcripts?
- EPA Director Scott Pruitt claims he doesn't meet with "polluters." His schedule begs to differ, as it is full of meetings with coal and oil industry personnel
- Mexico is backing the lawsuit by municipalities in Texas fighting Trump's sanctuary city crackdown
- The Trump Administration is breaking the law by having Trump nominees actually working at the jobs they've been nominated for prior to actually being confirmed for those jobs by the Senate. The departments affected are the State Department, the Office of Management and Budget, and two nominees at the EPA
- Trump is clearly a guy who's so vindictive, even though he cannot win he'll attempt the scorched Earth policy, trying to destroy everyone. Saturday morning he continued his attacks on Rep. Frederica Wilson calling her "Wacky," and telling everyone she's destroying the Democratic Party
- The singer of the National Anthem at the NBA's Brooklyn Nets home opener took a knee, in direct protest to Trump
- An interesting crowd at the California GOP meeting, which is being ruled over by former Trump Senior Advisor Steve Bannon. Not only was the crowd openly booing former President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain (with one of the GOP crowd members insisting McCain should be killed), Bannon himself took them both to task before attacking the GOP establishment, calling for an "open revolt," insisting he would destroy and rebuild the party in his own image, a pro-Trump image
- It seems Bannon's biggest problem with W. Bush is his harsh criticism of white supremacy
- Major Democratic donor Tom Steyer is starting his own Impeach Trump campaign
- In an attempt to win over public support, Trump insists he will allow the files on the Kennedy assassination to be released to the public. They were scheduled to be released on October 26th anyway, a process over 2 decades in the making, but Trump is still claiming credit for it
- Remember: Last year Republicans insisted, even though the Clinton Foundation had been investigated three times, and found to have been operating legally, you can't trust anyone in the White House with a private family foundation. I DO! First Daughter and White House staffer doing...something(?) Ivanka Trump failed to include her family's foundation in her federal disclosure forms
- In what may be construed as an admission of guilt, Trump is reportedly offering to pay for the personal legal expenses of White House staffers caught up in the numerous investigations surrounding Trump
- Trump wants to start limiting access to birth control, instead opting for Evangelical approved "methods" of birth regulation, like 'fertility awareness,' a method which has a failure rate of a quarter to a third of the time
- Trump is claiming he himself defeated ISIS in Raqqa, Iraq. Former Defense Secretary Ash Carter pointed out of Friday the plan to take Raqqa was begun two years ago, and has pretty much been carried out to plan, mainly by Iraqi forces
- Trump lashed out in an effort to distract from the growing investigation into the Russian's buying social media ads to skew the Election of 2016, by insisting the amount of money spent on social media was "tiny" when considering the amount spent on the "fake news" sources
- When the New York Times was writing a piece on the continued hiring of EPA officials who vow to loosen regulations, they asked the EPA for some (supposedly) public information. EPA spokeswoman Liz Bowman, a former member of the American Chemistry Council, a group who will GREATLY benefit from the loosening of regulations, stated "...you will never write a fair piece," in denying their request
- Trump apparently made $6 million on the failed Trump Tower Toronto project, while every one of this investors lost their money
- One of the prime GOP operatives who was working to find the emails the Russians hacked from Hillary, and who mysteriously committed suicide in Rochester, Minnesota, Peter W. Smith, was warned not to play games with the Russians. We has told by his intelligence contacts "you don't want to play this game." For the record, the Russians have an expertise in killing off political enemies and making them look like suicides
- The same "pastor" mentioned earlier, who has advised Trump, is a major supporter of Trump, and who's book Trump recently endorsed, Robert Jeffress, calls the success of Catholicism "the genius of Satan" and called the religion a "cult-like pagan religion"
- Actor and Director Tom Hanks rips on Trump's incredibly mishandled call to Sgt. Johnson's widow
- In a whiplash inducing 180, Trump warmly praised former President Obama, and the other four former Presidents, as they raised money for hurricane relief
- Trump sent a video message. He was actually playing golf
- When Fox News brought up the allegation Trump did not know the name of the soldier who had died in Niger, Sgt. La David Johnson, Trump praised his call, but still mysteriously did not reference Sgt. Johnson by name, referring to him as 'young man'
- Retired General and former CIA Director David Petraeus slammed Sarah Huckabee Sanders assertion that no one can ever criticize a general. "We're all fair game"
- Senator Sherrod Brown claims it's fair to call former Trump Senior Advisor Steve Bannon a White Supremacist, and insist allies of the white supremacist movement are "sprinkled around the White House"
- In a sign that even the White House knows Trump's movements on ObamaCare are a suicide run, White House Budget Chief Mick Mulvaney suggested Trump would be willing to sign a temporary funding agreement for Obamacare, contradicting Trump's claim he wouldn't
- Days after Trump had claimed he had called the immediate families of all service members killed since he took office, something which is not true, multiple gold star families have reporting receiving express mail condolence letters from Trump
- Trump, after making his claim he had called all gold star families, had contacted the Pentagon for the names and contact information of the gold star families he had not yet contacted
- Eric Trump (Tweedle Dum) has chimed in, calling Rep. Frederica Wilson's criticism of his father's inappropriate comments "disgusting"
- After joking about running for President, Alec Baldwin, the actor who plays Trump on Saturday Night Live, is now receiving copious support for a potential Presidential run. Baldwin - "Think about how much fun the debates would be"
- Trump's anti immigration zealotry has prevented a Yemeni journalist from getting a visa so he could receive a freedom in the press award
- Trump once again promoted the dubious reporting of Fox News when he proudly tweeted a Fox News stat about how many people don't trust the media. It's clear Trump's goal is to get people to distrust the news, that way, when Trump's downfall is imminent, they won't believe the truth
- NFL players continue to take a knee during the National Anthem to protest racial injustice in the US, and to protest Trump himself
- Reminder: One of the biggest Republican arguments against former President Obama was that he played too much golf. Trump has played golf 75 times, SEVENTY FIVE TIMES, since taking office. That's roughly once every 4 days. No, Obama was nowhere near that much, and NO, Republicans are not complaining anymore about amount of time a President spends golfing
What's amazing to me are the people who were FURIOUS over dijon mustard, chewing gun, latte salutes, tan suits, Michelle's sleeveless dress and fist bumps. As they try to say they were only mocking Obama, I remember their comments and social media threads. They were truly angry about all these lesser issues, posting for weeks about how Obama and the White engaging in such activity was beneath the office of the President. There were multiple, determined calls, from Republicans, for him to resign due to these petty things.
Meanwhile, Trump openly disrespects the family of a fallen solder and they say NOTHING.
Does anyone doubt when the Democrats take the White House back, the same people who are silently endorsing disrespecting the military will demand immediate Congressional investigations because the Democratic President used a salad fork for their main course, "destroying America's relations with the world by using a tiny fork!!!"
Forgive me, but I want to slam dunk these jackasses, every stinking last one of them. #2018isEverything! Make sure you're registered to vote, and make sure four of your friends are registered too. AND VOTE, whether it's the upcoming off year election, or the big enchilada in 2018.
What's amazing to me are the people who were FURIOUS over dijon mustard, chewing gun, latte salutes, tan suits, Michelle's sleeveless dress and fist bumps. As they try to say they were only mocking Obama, I remember their comments and social media threads. They were truly angry about all these lesser issues, posting for weeks about how Obama and the White engaging in such activity was beneath the office of the President. There were multiple, determined calls, from Republicans, for him to resign due to these petty things.
Meanwhile, Trump openly disrespects the family of a fallen solder and they say NOTHING.
Does anyone doubt when the Democrats take the White House back, the same people who are silently endorsing disrespecting the military will demand immediate Congressional investigations because the Democratic President used a salad fork for their main course, "destroying America's relations with the world by using a tiny fork!!!"
Forgive me, but I want to slam dunk these jackasses, every stinking last one of them. #2018isEverything! Make sure you're registered to vote, and make sure four of your friends are registered too. AND VOTE, whether it's the upcoming off year election, or the big enchilada in 2018.
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