Monday, July 29, 2019

Cat Fight

Not only should you keep your cats indoors because they can get killed by (at least in metro Minneapolis/St. Paul) dogs, coyotes, raccoons, foxes, and not to mention cars.

Not only should you keep your cat indoors because letting a predator into a eco-system which has never had said predator is stupid, at a cost of numerous animals (song birds, squirrels, rabbits, ducks)  who are not prepared to have to defend themselves from a non-native species (would you tolerate a person letting tropical snakes loose in your neighborhood in summer?).

Not only should you keep your cat indoors because of the insane amount of health and safety risks a cat can get killed by.  Waterborne illnesses an animal will get from licking out of a puddle kill plenty of animals every year.

Not only should you keep your cat indoors because expecting the world to take care of YOUR animal while you act like a responsible pet owner because the cat shows back up at your house every two weeks is a jackass attitude.

Story from a friend about his brother, who lives in a neighboring state.  He walks up to his neighbor's house and knocks.

Man opens door. "Howdy."

"Hey neighbor.  You know how we've had a lot of problems with your cat being outside?"

"Sure, but that's your problem with Mr. Buttons, not mine."

"Funny you should mention that.  Your cat was in our yard last night."

"Well we let him in last night."

"That's fine, but it was in my yard, AGAIN, even after I've asked you numerous times to control Mr. Buttons."

"Lighten up.  It's just a cat."

"Yes it is.  Last night, when I let my dog out, your cat attacked him."

"Mr. Button's will defend himself (said while snickering)."

"Well Mr. Buttons damaged my dog's eye, and my dog is going to need surgery."

Neighbor's face turns more serious. "Well that's a shame, but that's not my problem."

"Actually, it is your problem!  Three people witnessed your cat attack my dog, IN MY YARD, hence you were violating MY private property.  We've documented all the times we've asked you to keep your cat out of our yard, and the law states you're responsible for your pet.  Hence, we are going to sue you for the cost of the surgery on the dog, plus an additional $100,000 for future health issues for our dog, and for our pain and suffering due to the repeated harassment of your pet."

"You can't do that!"

"I'm a lawyer.  Of course I can."

He settled out of court for a total of $75,000.  The cat owner's family moved as well.

If you have a cat, please keep it indoors, for its and your own safety.  If you are a person whose neighbor's cat has been a nuisance, start documenting and know your community/state laws.  A repeating problem might lead to a very large payday.

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