Friday, March 8, 2019

The Friday Link for 3/8/19

For this weeks Friday Link, just back from my Friday Lenten Fish Fry:

Two complexity unrelated videos but both good in their own right.

First, how would you like to be one of the few people in a deserted outpost?  I mean seriously deserted, with more polar bears than people.  Welcome to Pyramiden, a abandoned coal town on the Russian island of Spitsbergen.  A wonderful National Geographic short describes just that existence, and outside of having to wear a gun constantly to prevent from getting eaten, I actually looks very cool (pun not necessarily intended).  How about the guy knowing so many languages, being a good tour guide, and also knows how to play music?  Makes you yearn for a time when we all weren't staring at a glowing rectangle.

And also give it up to Seth Meyers.  He occasionally lampoons certain movie and TV genres, and this last week he set his sights on the Newspaper movie, the movie which describes the media of the 1970's and how every journalist fantasizes about being part of some story with that kind of scope (usually as they purposely ignore stories which are right there waiting for them, but they, or their publisher, overlook).  Having watched All the Presidents Men... recently, this is spot on.

Have great weekend everyone, and be careful with the snow!

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