Friday, April 27, 2018

The Friday Link for 4/27/18

I have a fun one for you this week...okay it's fun for me.

I stumbled upon Numberphile on YouTube.  These are math crazed individuals, people who talk about math like most of your friends might talk about the Minnesota Vikings, Marvel Movies, or their favorite band.  They really love math, bringing you a realization there are math fans across the world enjoying, and obsessing about, math.

Matt Parker is featured in both of these videos.  First is a problem with the number 10,958.  It takes a little time to set it up, but if you follow along, you come across an interesting math anomaly (at least I thought it was interesting). Matt's solution for the 10,958 is on You Tube as well.

I enjoy how excited this guy gets about math.  I'm not so excited by the math, more of the cool party trick aspect of it all.  The main difference is I would never obsess over the one number which doesn't fit the paradigm, unlike math fans apparently do.  I just accept it and move on.

At the end of the video, he mentions 'Parker's Square.'  I'm also posting the link for that math problem, and Matt's pseudo-solution (classic Parker's Square!).  I found this clip to be riot.

I have actually ordered the t-shirt.  A math problem for you:  6,210,001,000 is a number which if you line up the ten digit number to the numbers 0123456789, each number tells you how many of that corresponding number exist in the number (6 zeros, 2 ones, 1 two...).  See, I'm not just all good looks!

Finally tonight, in commemoration of Avengers: Infinity War coming out, here is Jimmy Kimmel's unnecessary censorship! Warning: A touch adult!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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