Sunday, November 20, 2016

'Legit' Perspectives

For the record, Donald Trump won the Presidential Election of 2016.  Where some people are floating the idea of a rigged election, I find it hard to believe.  You'd need to have corrupted at least nine individual states voting processes, beyond the already bias standards in place.  Unless someone has proof I have yet to see, Trump's win was "legit." (notice the quotes...)

There's a lot of speculation on why he one.  I'll point to the 108 million who stayed at home and didn't think this election was worth their time.  Sure, we can talk to a lesser extent about the DNC split, Hillary's un-likability, and third party candidates, but none of those match up to the pathetic 108 million people who just didn't care.  They have the right to not vote (that's America too), but I feel the non-voters have forfeited the right to complain about the world of pain we're all about to experience.

Some people are railing against the electoral college, but the electoral college works when people show up to vote.  White racists who usually don't vote, showed up in droves to support their new white racist God, while disinterested, disaffected, easily distracted and overconfident Democrats stayed at home, thinking there was no way Trump could win.  Surprise!

Even with the electoral college victory, Trump lost huge in the overall popular vote total (over 1.5 million as I type).  He lost by a margin of error as big as the entire Jacksonville metro area, or Oklahoma City, or Memphis, New Orleans, or Salt Lake City metro area.  This isn't just running up numbers in liberal states, this is a massive rejection of President Trump by the majority of the US voters.  But it's even worse when you look at the vote totals as part of the entire US population:

This is what Republicans think a 'mandate' looks like.  80.5% of all Americans didn't vote for Donald Trump, only 19.5% did!  We can't allow bloviated Trump fans to scream this reality away.  As a matter of fact, let's take a little bit closer look at this last election, but remove the United States, Trump and Clinton from the description:
  • The winning candidate, Candidate A, lost the popular vote by over a million and a half voters to Candidate B, and didn't even capture support from 20% of the entire country's population.
  • Candidate A overruled the popular vote by using a legal, but usurped, election procedure to install himself as President.
  • Candidate A was bombastic media personality and the darling of the extremist fringe; zealots who's main goal is a near forced rule under the guise that "they know what's best for everyone."
  • The losing candidate, Candidate B, was a milquetoast moderate who was constantly labeled a criminal by almost all entities in the country, even though Candidate B wasn't.
  • Candidate A's long list of disqualifying business connections, illegal activity, sexist and discriminatory comments, and boneheaded statements were all grossly downplayed by most media and pundits.  
  • Any minor infraction from Candidate B was turned into a crime on par with the most evil dictators the world has ever seen, by the same media and pundits.
  • Candiate A had untraceable money flowing like a hydrant into the race, outspending Candidate B by a wide margin, likely three to four times more, all untraceable, most of it spent to discourage people from voting for Candidate B
  • Candidate A had the country's state police force actively working to ensure Candidate A's victory, even coordinating with a current politician and a former politician to spread a false story to discredit Candidate B in the weeks before election day.
  • Candidate A was directly receiving assistance from a foreign country, including advisors, an infiltration of the electing country's social media using fake and falsified accounts, and the illegal hacking of various websites, including Candidate B's campaign websites and the websites for Candidate B's political party.
  • The foreign country disseminated both hacked and falsified information to an international media outlet, an outlet whose owner is avoiding prosecution by hiding in a third party's embassy, a media outlet which was proudly trying to sway the country's election towards Candidate A.
  • The electing country's national media was incredibly biased towards Candidate A.  At best, this bias was due to incompetency, and at worst, the media was actively working to get Candidate A elected.  Regardless, the national media failed to report on the election with any fairness, especially in regards to Candidate A's clear connections to extremist fringe hate groups.
  • Individual states within the country had imposed draconian election rules in a targeted, and successful, effort to limit the amount of voters from Candidate B's political party.
  • Individual states purged voter registrations, and limited voting dramatically, in a targeted, and successful, effort to limit the votes for Candidate B.
  • Agents for Candidate A spent millions of dollars and countless hours on misinformation campaigns to confuse and intimidate voters for Candidate B.

Most people would read the above bullet points and think we were describing some third world country where their elections have a tendency of being called into question, not the bellwether of supposed election fairness, not the USA.  For goodness sake, Reagan himself would have used 1/10th of what happened in Election 2016 to justify invading said country under the argument Candidate A violated the country's trust, unfairly oppressing the population's democratic rights.  Reading what happened in 2016 points out how compromised and susceptible the US's election system has become. 

And a reminder, even with the overwhelmingly tilted playing field towards Trump, they still had to use the electoral college to secure the victory by overriding the will of the American people.

What I laid out above is a justification for the 80.5% of Americans who DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP to loudly and proudly, scream, post and brag, "Donald Trump is #NotMyPresident!"  Racists and Idiots, an extreme minority in America, fueled by evil entities who worship money and greed, have used a flawed and broken election system to install an evil, Machiavellian near fascist dictator/demagogue as our elected President, über alles!  

How ignorant are the people who've placed Trump atop the US's throne?  Just look at their incredibly misguided protests against Starbucks (where they're encouraging people to buy more of the product they're supposedly boycotting) and Hamilton (where they're picking a fight with a beloved, sold out for a year, Broadway play which is far more hopeful, Presidential, and American than ANYTHING Trump represents).  In case you're missing my point, Trump supporters are really stupid, and need to be called out on it!

Don't downplay this.  Don't validate them. Don't try to find a nuance which doesn't exist.  These people are racists and idiots.  These number, these facts, demand we call the election of 2016 what it truly was; Why we need to correctly label the GOP for who they are (at best, racist enablers!); Why we need to recognize the election was more of an attempted overthrow of Democracy; Why we need to protest and get angry with a loud voice; Why we need to get active and mobilize from now until the elections of 2018 and 2020!

Plus it really infuriates Trump fans when you point out Hillary had a million and half more votes, and that less than 20% of the population actually voted for Trump.  Trump backers were hoping for a coronation of racism of ignorance in America.  I outright refuse to recognize either as my Commander in Chief.

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