Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Know Your Conservative!

The funniest aspect of the modern Republican is their inability, personally or politically, to acknowledge their faults and mistakes.  They can't say the words, "I'm sorry," or "(blank) Republican was out of line."  It's comical, but only because of the extremes they embrace in an attempt to never have to admit they're wrong.

In my opinion, only weak people, individuals with zero moral fiber or integrity, never apologize.  In the 90's, I had a conservative friend who accidentally backed a boat trailer over my foot.  He was supposed to wait for my signal to pull forward, but as I was strapping the boat down, he pulled ahead, catching my foot.  That stung, but luckily, I didn't break any bones.  When he got out of the SUV to see why I was screaming, he initially chuckled and said, "it sucks to be you."  I was shocked he didn't apologize.  As we were driving back from the launch, inspecting my swollen foot, I said to him, "least you could do is apologize."  He initially insisted he already had, which I, and the other two guys in the car, assured him he hadn't.  He then insisted it was really my fault, something the three of us also countered.  He then said, "I feel bad you got hurt, but I'm not going to say 'sorry.'  I'm a man, and real men don't apologize."  Wait a minute, hadn't you already insisted you'd apologized?

Funny, this from the same guy who demanded a pound of flesh every time he felt he'd been wronged. That's why we all unloaded on the guy for not apologizing.  He became furious, stooping to name calling and petty insults, all because he refused to apologize for running over MY foot.  I never realized what a massive jackass he'd become.  I never talked to him again.

Since the mid 1990's, Republicans have adopted a "hear no evil, see no evil, never say sorry" mantra.  I started to realize their level of delusion when we lost Senator Wellstone.  Conservatives had gleefully begged for Paul Wellstone's death mere weeks before he actually died in a plane crash, then outright refused to apologize.  One guy said to me, "I'll never apologize.  It would be like me apologizing for wishing I'd won the lottery."  My immediate response was, "did you just compare Senator Wellstone's death to winning the lottery?"  After five seconds, he turned and silently walked away.

With today's GOP, if they don't live in denial, their entire day would be them constantly acquiescing.  When was the last time someone in the GOP didn't say something horribly racist, bigoted, insensitive, untrue, out of line or just pain disgusting?  The 'no apology safety net' they created (conservative media) wasn't designed to cope with this level of insanity.  The lunatic lava flow spewing from Mts. Trump and Cruz are annihilating their conservo-bubble.  Republicans, watching their political houses burn freely, are now forced to have to deal with reality.  Since they don't know how to admit guilt, they're squirming, desperately trying to find a way to save face.

Many Republicans have gone quiet, hiding behind the plea, "since politics has gotten WAY too negative, can't we just talk about something else?"  This from the same people who've screamed outrageous political comments for the last 25 years; a steady barrage of insults and memes leveled at President Obama, Michelle, President Clinton, Hillary, Bernie, Al Gore, the Dixie Chicks, gun safety advocates, climate change believers, African Americans and anything not white, male, heterosexual and Christian.  Now, they're insisting there's too much negativity.  That's rich!

They know they can't win an argument where they have to bank on the integrity, honor and sound judgment of Trump, Cruz or most elected Republicans, so to avoid getting their clocks cleaned, they've adopted a self imposed censorship; the "it's not me, it's you" defense.

The mutes aside, there are still belligerent Republicans; ones who either truly believe in the insanity coming from the mouths of their representatives, or those who'll blindly defend their party, a moron who thinks he can save the Titanic by bailing with a thimble.  For these nitwits, their defense follows this path:
  1. Frantically changing the subject into an avalanche of other issues, an attempt to clutter the playing field, by throwing a thousand pounds of crazy onto the initial mistake.  It creates an argumentative minefield for the opposition.
  2. Insist the individual never said or did what we all know they actually said or did.  It gets funny when you have tape and the denier is trying to pretend "that doesn't matter!"
  3. When you can't deny the undeniable anymore, accuse the people who are asking for accountability of being the real problem.  "What we did or said wasn't wrong!  It was your interpretation of what we did or said which is the real problem!" This is where most Republicans will claim victory.  It's always, "liberal bias, the 'PC police,' or someone with an agenda who we should REALLY be talking about."  If you can get past this, it's onto... 
  4. Make up anything, something with no connection to the conversation you're having, an outright lie, the larger the better.  Then demand the Democrat HAS TO apologize for those 'mistakes' first before they'll ever apologize for theirs.  An example:  the Iraq War.  You point out we were lied into a war which cost over 5000 American lives, by the W. Bush administration, and ask when the Republicans are going to demand answers.  Their response -"when Hillary Clinton admits she personally was behind the 'FAR WORSE' attacks on Benghazi, when she apologizes to every family member of the four Americans who died, every diplomat who ever served, every Republican politician and their entire staff, and every American by going door to door, ONLY THEN will we think about asking questions in regards to W. starting a war with a country under false pretenses."  This response is the verbal equivalent of clenching butt checks tightly, and trying to squeak away.  They know they're losing, but they're still trying to win by default, without an apology.
  5. Finally, insist they've already apologized, so there's no need to say anything else.  When people ask where and when they made their apology, they turn themselves into the victim, accusing people of playing the 'blame game,' insisting they're meany pants, obsessed with 'sour grapes.'  "How dare you attack my delicate good natured psyche!  You're the real monster...even after I apologized!" (which they never did).
If you've ever danced this dance with conservatives, you know how futile it is.  It's an important part of the conservo-bubble; an insistence no conservative was ever wrong about anything.  But now, it's blowing up from inside, forcing the right to use these evasive deflections on themselves.  Their fighting with their own ignorance, and losing!

When a conservative HAS TO concede wrongdoing it's spectacular!  Take Rob Ford, the recently deceased, former conservative, crack smoking mayor of Toronto.  In November of 2013, when he went before the Toronto City Council, where EVERYONE knew he had been purchasing illegal drugs for personal consumption, he was asked if he had purchased illegal drugs.  For ten seconds of utter beauty he tried to think of some way out.  Finally, he did something he never thought he'd have to do, fess up:

This is what it takes for Republicans to admit wrongdoing.  It's entertaining, but it's also really, really, really sad.  It's why so many conservatives have gone silent.  They don't want to be Rob Ford, caught out in the open, having to admit defeat.

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